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"If I'm brave, I'd like to know what you are." "Oh, I'm not brave, I'm nothing but a selfish little pig," cried Pauline. "I've treated the dearest fellow in the world shamefully. He's forgiven me over and over, but he won't forgive me this time." "He'll forgive you anything, Mim," Blount assured her, "for the sake of getting you safe back.

Prince Charles bore his good fortune with moderation; he prohibited all rejoicings for the victory he had obtained; the wounded soldiers were treated with humanity; and the officers were sent into Fife and Angus, where they were left at liberty on their parole, which the greater part of them shamefully broke in the sequel. From this victory the pretender reaped manifold and important advantages.

The hearse-driver in the fourth story, who at other times was so gentle in his cups, would beat his wife shamefully, and the two lay about in their den drinking and fighting in self-defence. And Vinslev's devilish flute was to blame when Johnsen vainly bewailed his miserable life and ended it under the sewer-grating.

"You treat us shamefully," he informed her, "upon my word! But I'm coming to call." "Do," said Alison. Hodder caught her eye again, and this time he was sure that she surprised in him a certain disdain of Mr. Atterbury's zeal. Her smile was faint, yet unmistakable. He resented it.

"All that a man need think of," said Jock; "as long as mother and Babie are comfortable, we can do for ourselves very well." "Ourselves!" said Armine, bitterly. "And how about this wretched place that we have neglected shamefully all these years!" "Armine!" cried Jock, indignantly. "Why, you are talking of mother!" "Mother says so herself."

Of all the religious leaders of the eighteenth century, he was the most original in genius and the most varied in talent; and, therefore, he was the most misunderstood, the most fiercely hated, the most foully libelled, the most shamefully attacked, and the most fondly adored. In his love for Christ he was like St.

The whole deception practised by both Duncan and Hawkeye was, of course, laid naked, and no room was found, even for the most superstitious of the tribe, any longer to affix a doubt on the character of the occurrences. It was but too apparent that they had been insultingly, shamefully, disgracefully deceived.

"We had cut the dyke in three places," said he; "but left it most shamefully for want of commandment." Poor Koppen Loppen whose blunders on former occasions had caused so much disaster was now fortunate enough to expiate them by a soldier's death. Admiral Haultain had, as we have seen, been drowned at the commencement of the action.

Lady Errington, I'm sorry for it but your husband is deceiving you most shamefully!" "How dare you say such a thing!" she cried, springing upright and facing him, then she stopped and grew very pale but she kept her eyes upon him. How bright they were! What a chilling pride glittered in their sea-blue depths! "You are in error," she said coldly.

Then came a longing upon Nobili he could not resist, to know if Nera still loved him. If so, what constancy! It deserved reward. He had treated her shamefully. How sweet her company would be if she would see him! At all events, he could but try. At this point he rose and rang the bell. When the servant came, Nobili ordered his dinner. He was hungry, he said, and would eat at once.