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Christmas! An' a boy! An' she doin' well! No wonder that ol' turkey-gobbler sets up on them rafters blinkin' at me so peaceful! He knows he's done passed a critical time o' life. You've done crossed another bridge safe-t, ol' gobbly, an' you can afford to blink an' to set out in the clair moonlight, 'stid o' roostin' back in the shadders, same ez you been doin'.

Some galoots named it Forbidden Pass, jest fur fun, an' since then there's them what's afraid of their own shadders what's added enough to it ter make folks think it's dangerous ter go through there. We come that way, an' I reckon we'll go back that way. I don't believe there's any gang of outlaws hangin' around there than there is right in this camp." "Well, I am sorry to hear that.

She don't stand like she is stuck, neither, but like she senses danger somewheres about. A hoss might go ahead into danger, but a mule is more careful of itself and never goes butting in unless it feels sure they is a way out. "Giddap," says the old man agin. But jest then the shadders on both sides of the road comes to life. They wakes up, and moves all about us.

Then anon variegated with moon lit starry nights, blue skies, golden sunsets, deep dark, moonless midnights, all shaded off into soft shadders. And then givin' way to a stripe of hit or miss, restless hours, days when the "Fire won't burn the stick and the kid refuses to go," small excitements, frustrated ambitions, etc.

The hull family wuz a-doin' first rate, and their Pa and Ma wuz proud enough of 'em. And they felt well, for they knew that they wuz advancin' rapid, and with quick steps and with happy hearts. When she see the dark shadders of the past behind 'em the dretful shapes of ignorance and evil a-lurkin' in the heavy blackness from which they wuz emergin' her tender heart ached with sympathy.

The graveyard was all dark an' quiet, with little piles o' rocks an' stone tables ter mark the graves, an' a four- or five-foot wall runnin' all round it; an' somehow, without nothin' stirrin' at all, the whole blame place seemed chock full o' movin' shadders.

But, oh, my erring but beloved country! why ortn't we to expect it as long as you keep the mills a-goin' that turns out such black, ghastly shadders by the thousands and thousands all the time, all the time, to enwrap your children. Dorothy never knowed it what wuz the use of cloudin' her bright young life with the awful shadder?

But sometimes members git some shock that jars 'em and sends 'em out of the narrer road for quite a spell and they git kinder lost gropin' through the dark shadders of earthly disappointment and sorrow.

Just like so many ghosts out for a holiday, and it's us. And look at what makes the shadders. They look creepy in the moonshine. Why, if we was out on a country road now in dear old England, and the police on duty saw us we should give 'em fits." "Rather startling, certainly," said Frank. "It does look a weird procession."

I wuz too big a coward to stay 'nd help his mother to bear up; so I went out-doors 'nd brung in wood, brung in wood enough to last all spring, and then I sat down alone by the kitchen fire 'nd heard the clock tick 'nd watched the shadders flicker through the room. I remember Lizzie's comin' to me and sayin': "He's breathin' strange-like, 'nd his little feet is cold as ice."