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For the love of Mike, sh-h-h! or mamma'll spank." The twin fluttered up then, a vivid italicized prototype, on slim tall heels that clicked and a very small red hat set just at the angle of sauciness.

They stepped out; and Frankl, his eyelids red, said: "I have only this day crawled from bed with the blow you struck my temple, or I should have had you before this " "Sh-h-h. Your own fault, sir. You played false first " "Played false with my own diamonds?

Crouching, they stole along the south coping, and thence dropped to a flat cistern-top, Hogarth, with a painful "Sh-h-h", catching Harris as he fell, for the signs of alarm and activity every moment increased.

They act as though Eleanor were the Sultan of Turkey or the Shah of Persia, or some other high and mighty dignitary. They almost grovel before her." "Never mind, Nora," said Grace. "As long as you retain your Irish independence what do you care about what other girls do?" "I don't care. Only they do act so silly," said Nora, with a sniff of contempt. "Sh-h-h!" said Jessica softly.

I won't go to Lester, if I can't go right. "Baby, don't cry so for God's sake don't cry so! "I wish I was dead." "Sh-h-h you'll wake gramaw." "I do!" "O God, help me to do the right thing!" "If gramaw could understand, she'd be the first one to tell you the right thing. Anybody would." "No! No! That little bank-book and its entries are her life her life." "She don't need to know, mamma.

Now they crouched at the head of the stairs, in utter darkness, not knowing whither to move, or whether or not a step might plunge them into some shaft. "It must be Ellison," whispered Harvey. "What'll we do?" "Nothing," answered Henry Burns, "and not make any noise about it either. He heard your ship, Jack. Sh-h-h. We don't want to be put out into the rain again."

The doctor turned courteously and went back to the door, half closing it and making her request in a low tone. Then her stepmother's excited sibilant whisper: "Bessemer! Why, he isn't here! He went down to the shore last night." "Sh-h-h!" came another voice, and the door was shut smartly.

"You can't tell me we are going to get away from here as easily as all this." "Sh-h-h!" was Frank's reply. Jack thereafter maintained a discreet silence. At the edge of the pier their captor pointed to a small rowboat in the water. "We'll get in here," he said. They did so and a moment later they were being rowed across the water by a man Frank recognized as a German sailor.

They have killed him. They are murderers!" "Sh-h-h," warned her mother again. "Yes, they are murderers," said old Pierre, "but this is a silly child to talk so. We have borne much silently. Can we not be a little patient now?" "I hate them!" sobbed the girl, abandoning all caution. "They drove him away and we will see him no more, my brother Armand!" "Hush, my daughter," her mother pleaded.

There were some lights further down too and one over that way but I can't see them now. I guess it's after midnight. Sh-h-h. Listen!" They stood stark still, Archer gripping Tom's arm. "It's water trickling," said Tom dully. "Gee, you had the life scared out of me!" breathed Archer.