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At Prime, and at the small Hours, Terce, Sext, None, only one antiphon is said. It is said in full at the end of the last Psalm in each Hour. The Capitulum, the little Responsory, Christe, Fili Dei vivi ... is then said. In this responsory the versicle Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris is sometimes changed, e.g., in paschal time it is, Qui surrexisti a mortuis.

Only yesterday at Sext, I found myself saying the antiphon proper to St. Peter a fortnight after St. Peter's day had passed and gone, which seems to show that my mind is really set upon being Brother Peter, doesn't it? And yet I don't know. He is so very conspicuous all through the Gospels, isn't he?" "Then why don't you compromise," suggested Mark, "and call yourself Brother Simon?"

Pompeius, lately the ally of Antony, out of Sicily; while Antony renewed his pledges to recover the standards of Crassus from the Parthians. The new compact was sealed by the marriage of Antony with Octavia, his colleague's sister, a virtuous and beautiful lady, worthy of a better consort. These auspicious events were celebrated by the lofty verse of Vergil's Fourth Eclogue. Sext.

What are these wounds in Thy Hands: Those with which I was wounded in the house of My friends. Nor was there rejoicing in the Community when at Lauds of Easter Day they chanted: V. In Thy Resurrection, O Christ. R. Let Heaven and earth rejoice, Alleluia. Nor when at Prime and Terce and Sext and None they chanted: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

And the Office continued, in the monotonous and charming pitch of the doxology, interrupted by profound reverences, large movements of the arm lifting the sleeve of the cowl as it fell to the ground, to allow the hand freedom to turn the pages. When Sext was over Durtal went to rejoin the oblate.

News had not yet reached me of your arrival in Italy when I sent Sext. Villius, an intimate of my friend Milo, with this letter to you.

But it is tiresome; it is a pity you could not have come up this morning, with us." Durtal made a gesture of regret. He went into the chapel, dwelling on this misfortune and praying God not to delay his re-entry into grace any longer. After Sext, the oblate came to rejoin him. "It is just as I thought," he said, "but nevertheless you will be admitted to take the Sacrament.

Gregory's Monastery in England: "3:45 A.M. Rise. 4 A.M. Matins and lauds, recited; half-hour mental prayer; prime sung; prime B.V.M. recited. 6:30 A.M. Private study; masses; breakfast for those who had permission. 8 A.M. Lectures and disputations. 10 A.M. Little hours B.V.M., recited; tierce, mass, sext, sung. 11:30 A.M. Dinner. 12 noon.

The same additions were made in Lauds and the Psalm, De Profundis omitted. In Prime and the Little Hours, the preces are unchanged standing in the new Breviary as in the old. Rubrics. The Preces are recited in the Office of Prime and Compline on certain days; Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline of certain feasts.

Thus adjured, the frightened monk grew calmer in his bearing, though his white lips and his startled eyes, with the gasping of his breath, told of his inward tremors. "If it please you, holy father, and you, reverend sacrist, it came about in this way. James the subprior, and Brother John and I had spent our day from sext onward on Hankley, cutting bracken for the cow-houses.