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Conquers also sincerity in the sincerest. She was vexed with her full breast, and had as little command of her thoughts as of her feelings. 'Mr. Weyburn has ideas for the education of girls too, she said. 'There's the task, said he. 'It's to separate them as little as possible. All the passez-moi le mot devilry between the sexes begins at their separation.

Paul was used to seeing most women achieve this effect of uncertainty by the use of coquetry, and in the free-and-easy give and take between young America of both sexes, he had learned with a somewhat cynical shrewdness to discount it. He entered into the game, but, in his own phrase, he always knew what he was about.

A Truly Pious Person who conducted a savings bank and lent money to his sisters and his cousins and his aunts of both sexes, was approached by a Tatterdemalion, who applied for a loan of one hundred thousand dollars. "What security have you to offer?" asked the Truly Pious Person. "The best in the world," the applicant replied, confidentially; "I am about to become your son-in-law."

At Paris, and in most other towns, the bread they buy is a daily dole, which they cannot obtain without a daily ticket delivered to them by their masters. Multitudes of all ages and sexes are actually imprisoned. I have reason to believe that in France there are not, for various state crimes, so few as twenty thousand actually in jail, a large proportion of people of property in any state.

Crabs so affected do not show the usual somatic sexual characters, and at one time it was supposed that only females were attacked. It is now known that both sexes of the host may be infected by the parasite, but the presence of the latter causes suppression of the somatic sex-differences.

In this survey, however incoherently carried out, the mutual passion of the two sexes was the very last that was likely to escape Rousseau's attention. Hence it was with this that he began. The Discourses had been an attack upon the general ordering of society, and an exposition of the mischief that society has done to human nature at large.

I cannot repeat too often that I am not dealing with prodigies. Emile is no prodigy, neither is Sophy. He is a man and she is a woman; this is all they have to boast of. In the present confusion between the sexes it is almost a miracle to belong to one's own sex.

Though ostensibly a ball, the real object was to bring persons of Liberal principles together, of both sexes. As many of the upper classes took a warm interest in the cause of freedom, nearly all the ladies of the influential families were there, with their husbands and fathers. I was surprised, also, to see several parish priests, who were as warm in the cause as any other person.

Nevertheless these cases are only exaggerations of the common fact that the female produces offspring of two sexes which sometimes differ from each other in a wonderful manner.

We do not understand that it is the immediate purpose of women to take the whole government, though some extravagant expectations are raised by the admission of new States that are ruled by women. They may wish to divide and conquer. One plan is, instead of dual Chambers of opposite sexes, to mingle in both the Senate and the House.