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Santiago consoled himself with cards and training roosters for battle, and otherwise as a man may. He was but fifteen, this haughty, severe-looking young hidalgo, but while in some respects many years older than his sister, in others he was younger, for he possessed none of her illuminating instinct.

In another moment the hall was empty, save for eight very dirty shoes and the pile of severe-looking luggage. To convince Aunt Pike that her presence and care were absolutely unnecessary was the one great aim and object which now filled them all, and as a means to this end their first idea was to dress, act, and talk as correctly and unblamably as boys and girls could.

Meekly she followed him to another section on the other side of the car and found herself compelled to share a seat with a severe-looking gray-haired woman, evidently a sufferer from hay fever, as she sneezed incessantly. Bob dropped down in his old place and shot a quizzical look at Betty.

Yorba, a tall, spare, severe-looking woman, who had taught school in New England in her youth, and never even powdered her nose, spoke for the first time. Her tones were slow and portentious, as became one who, owing to her unfortunate nativity, had sailed slowly into this castellated harbor, albeit on her husband's golden ship. "We may no longer have it in our power to punish Mrs.

"You awe very kind, madam, and I am sorry for the trouble we awe giving you." He was tall and severe-looking, with a gray, trooperish mustache and iron-gray hair, and, as Alma decided, iron-gray eyes.

The door was opened, and a tall, rather severe-looking housekeeper asked: "What do you want, my dear?" A shyness, amounting to terror, had seized upon Ida, and she could hardly find voice to answer. "If you please, I have brought these for " For whom? Ida's pale face burnt crimson as she remembered that after all she did not know the little old lady's name.

I didn't condescend to reply, though I hailed the suggestion of something to eat with inward enthusiasm, for I had not taken enough food that day to keep life in a canary. 'We wandered back to the railway station, in the waiting room of which was a kind of restaurant presided over by a severe-looking young lady.

"Yes, I think so," I said; "but he's a severe-looking sort of man, and very particular, and I don't think he'd consider it right for me to have a watch while I am at school." "That's what my father said when I was home for last holidays. I wanted a watch then, but not half so bad as I feel to want one now. I say!" "Well?" "I wonder how much old Eely's father gave for that one.

That which adorned the maturer woman did not agree with the demure and slightly austere prettiness of the young wife. But Barker forgot all this when Stacy reserved and somewhat severe-looking in evening dress arrived with business punctuality.

The room, with its big stove, in a way looked comfortable enough, and was regimentally neat and clean and homelike. George peered into the front room beyond which bore quite a judicial aspect. At one end of it a small dais supported a severe-looking arm-chair and a long flat desk, on which were piled foolscap, blank legal forms, law-books, and the Bible.