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He hesitated a minute; then, gripping his rifle and with the perfect Russian imperturbability coming to his rescue, he replied, with a deep bow: "Merci, Madame, Merci mille fois! Je cherchais seulement de la vaseline pour mon fusil!" This phrase has become immortal among the besieged. 16th July, 1900. And yet one is lucky if one can laugh at all.

It is not a game of chance for the bank ah, it is exact, mathematical c'est une question d' arithmetique, seulement, nest-ce pas, messieurs?" "Perhaps," admitted DeLong, "but it doesn't explain why I am losing to-night while everyone else is winning." "We are not winning," persisted Craig. "After I have had a bite to eat I will demonstrate how to lose by keeping on playing."

Je ne voudrais pas manquer de courtoisie; but above all I would not intrude et je suis tres dispose a me retirer de tres bonne heure. Seulement j'aimerais a etre fixe pour prendre tous mes arrangements.

In fact we have dislikes founded, or rather unfounded, upon the basis of Bussy Rabutin's lines: "Je ne vous aime point, Hylas; Je n'en saurois dire la cause. Je sais seulement une chose. C'est que je ne vous aime pas." Next comes an even more intimate personal element the critic's condition. The day may have been vexing. The present indecent haste of the income-tax collector may have worried him.

«Ces débris, qui ne viennent pas seulement de la tête du Bréven, mais de ses flancs et de sa base, sont des roches feuilletées mélangées de quartz, de mica et de feldspath dans toutes les proportions imaginables. De ces différentes proportions naissent différens degrés de dureté, depuis le granit feuilleté le plus dur jusques

Nothing," he echoed, but added as an afterthought: "Seulement le Beau." I have sometimes thought that these words, "Seulement le Beau," might do as the commemorative epitaph of the Greek race. But of course the Greek was a great deal more than the exponent of the beautiful.

Evidently he heard that matters were not going very smoothly, as in December he wrote to Laurent-Jan from Wierzchownia to say that if the Comedie Francaise refused "Mercadet" which had been "recue a l'unanimite" on August 17th it might be offered to Frederick Lemaitre; and a few days later, hearing that the piece was "recue seulement a corrections," by the Comedie Francaise, he withdrew it altogether.

"Mais seulement il se transpose Et passant de la forme au son, Trouvant dans la métamorphose La jeune fille et le garçon." Transpose, a word never before used except in musical application, and now for the first time applied to material form, and with a beauty-giving touch that Phidias might be proud of.

Je ne veux seulement que notre chambrière Vienne faire mon lit, ton compagnon ni toi; Je veux trois jours entiers demeurer

«Les plus petits recoins des montagnes, qui peuvent arrêter l'eau de la pluie, sont certainement fertilisés; ce ne sont pas seulement les grandes surfaces plates, ni les pentes; ce sont même les faces escarpées des rochers les plus durs. S'il s'y fait quelque crevasse, un arbre s'y établit bientôt; et souvent il contribue, par l'accroissement de ses racines,