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Some advised that the hospital be closed. But Dr. Hü's younger sister, Seuk Eng, who had received her medical training in the Woolston Memorial Hospital under Dr. King Eng, and had been associated with her sister in the hospital work for some years, said that to close the hospital would be a great shock to Dr.

had two medical students in training, who also assisted her in the hospital work, one of them her younger sister, Seuk Eng. She speaks warmly of their work among the patients, and of the patients' appreciation of what was done for them.

When the exercises were over, greatly to Seuk Eng's surprise, her sedan chair was escorted all the way back to the hospital, to the accompaniment of the popping of hundreds of fire-crackers, set off in her honour. A Chinese feast was prepared for the guests in the hospital, after which another unexpected explosion of congratulatory fire-crackers took place.

, and a bitter disappointment to the people, and that she would undertake to keep it open. "The load was indeed very heavy and my heart was truly frightened," she admitted afterward. "Every day I just repeated that comforting verse, 'He leadeth me, and marched forward." At first the people did not have the confidence in Seuk Eng which they had in Dr. King Eng.

The first student to receive a diploma from the Woolston Memorial Hospital was Dr. Hü's sister, Seuk Eng, who graduated in April, 1902. The graduation exercises, held in the Sing Bo Ting Ancestral Hall, which was willingly loaned for the occasion, created a keen interest, and numbers of the city people gathered to witness proceedings so unusual.

Seuk Eng tells of their great eagerness to see her sister: "The faith of many of the patients has been so strong that they thought their illness would at once be cured, or at least lessened, if they could only touch Dr. Hü's garment or hear her voice, or merely look into her face. During these months of sickness many people came wishing to see 'the great Dr.