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Our friend, called Sesoi the Great you have just seen him, gentlemen was then lodging with a Jewish braid-maker on the Moldavanka. With a poker in his hands he defended his landlord from a great horde of assassins. It is true, Sesoi the Great is a man of enormous physical strength, and this is well known to many of the inhabitants of the Moldavanka.

But you must agree, gentlemen, that in these moments Sesoi the Great looked straight into the face of death. Our comrade Martin the Miner this gentleman here" the orator pointed to a pale, bearded man with beautiful eyes who was holding himself in the background "saved an old Jewess, whom he had never seen before, who was being pursued by a crowd of these canaille.

The orator turned round and gave an order: "Sesoi the Great, will you come this way!" An enormous fellow with a stoop, whose hands reached to his knees, without a forehead or a neck, like a big, fair Hercules, came forward. He grinned stupidly and rubbed his left eyebrow in his confusion. "Can't do nothin' here," he said hoarsely.

The gentleman bowed hurriedly. "It slipped my mind. Sesoi the Great, would you oblige?" The door was locked with the same adroitness and the same silence. The esteemed colleague waddled back to his friends, grinning. "Now I will have the honour to show you the skill of one of our comrades who is in the line of picking pockets in theatres and railway-stations," continued the orator.

Sesoi the Great, will you be so kind?" "'Tain't nothin' at all," said the giant leisurely. He went close to the door, shook it cautiously with his hand, took out of his pocket a small bright instrument, bent down to the keyhole, made some almost imperceptible movements with the tool, suddenly straightened and flung the door wide in silence. The chairman had his watch in his hands.

The whole affair took only ten seconds. "Thank you, Sesoi the Great," said the gentleman in the sandy suit politely. "You may go back to your seat." But the chairman interrupted in some alarm: "Excuse me. This is all very interesting and instructive, but ... is it included in your esteemed colleague's profession to be able to lock the door again?" "Ah, mille pardons."