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A consecuencia de ello, nuestro representante en Londres, D. José Mariano de Michelena, en Julio de 1824 dirigió al Gobierno un ocurso de Gorostiza ofreciendo sus servicios a México; y antes de terminar el año, se le encargó una misión confidencial en Holanda.

Your Excellency magnanimously presented to Congress a brief but lucid enumeration of my services to the State, which being taken into consideration by the enlightened representatives of a judicious and gallant people, "full pay during my life," and an honorary medal, were voted to me, accompanied by the truly gratifying announcement that such estimable gifts were "en testimonio de gratitud nacional por grandes servicios que prestò a la Republica durante la guerra de Independencia."

His Imperial Majesty had all along marked his approbation of my zealous exertions for the interests of the empire designating them "altos e extraordinarios servicios." and desired that I should have the most ample remuneration; having, in addition to every honour in his power to confer, granted me an estate, which grant was by the Portuguese faction strenuously and successfully opposed, and not this only, but every other recompence proposed by His Majesty as a remuneration for my services.