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Finding it closed, however, on account of the illness of the custode, we determined to go to the picture-gallery of the Capitol; and, on our way thither, we stepped into Il Gesu, the grand and rich church of the Jesuits, where we found a priest in white, preaching a sermon, with vast earnestness of action and variety of tones, insomuch that I fancied sometimes that two priests were in the agony of sermonizing at once.

When winter approached, the Brattle Street Church was taken for use as a barracks, and Morrison got himself a place in the commissary department, which perhaps was more to his liking than sermonizing. The interview with Newell gives us a glimpse of Gage in almost the last of his troubles with the stiff-necked Bostonians.

To one thus listening, it is impossible to criticize with severity; for, unless positively offensive, any music becomes beautiful by the power of sympathy and association. After service we listened to a short sermon from the Rev. Mr. Villiers, fervent, affectionate, and evangelical in spirit, and much in the general style of sermonizing which I have already described. Monday morning, May 23.

He has at once detected behind their sermonizing on liberty and equality, their despotic instincts, their craving for command, for leadership, even as subordinates; and, in addition to this, with most of them, the appetite for money or for sensual pleasures.

They have cropped up incidentally as we have gone on: but I could with advantage collect them if my limits admitted of sermonizing. As to the fruits of Spiritualism, I can only say that I have never witnessed any of these anti-Christianizing effects which some persons say arise from a belief in Spiritualism.

The fact that learned men were in short supply made him even more illustrious, and since a man's voice is of more concern than the life he has led, he was called to the patriarchy of Jerusalem. For some time, then, he presented himself as the bishop, though in name only; he fulfilled his new office by sermonizing.

"'The wisest finding that I have Is very young, no doubt, Yet many a man must needs grow old Before he finds it out. "'How happily it comes about And I was never told! That we must all be young awhile Before we can be old!" Dr. Helen laughed. "That is certainly very appropriate, and a good close to our rather sermonizing talk.

I know what I'd do: I'd tell them pretty straight to go and be hanged, and keep their sermonizing to themselves." Thurston turned on the speaker with a sudden burst of anger. "Oh yes!" he exclaimed; "you're always saying you'd do this and do that, but when the time comes you turn tail and sneak away.

Nothing tends to throw me off my balance so quickly, when I am speaking, as to have some one leave the room. To prevent this, I make up my mind, as a rule, that I will try to make my address so interesting, will try to state so many interesting facts one after another, that no one can leave. The average audience, I have come to believe, wants facts rather than generalities or sermonizing.

Their earthly parents say they were born on such and such dates. Were they? Or had they lived as Mary's Son had, ages before they took for God's wise purpose flesh? Who can tell? "Heresy?" I'm not writing a sermon, I am writing a story, and I seek to make my readers think. That would not be essential if I were sermonizing. Good people don't want that kind of preaching. But to return. Was he young?