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"I must have wood," she exclaimed angrily, and picked up a piece of broken white wood from the floor. It had "Philippe Seret" scrawled across it in pencil. "Why, it's your name!" she said wonderingly, and held the piece of wood in her hand. The place was all wood. There was wood here to last her weeks.

A young Swiss student, who in the madness of his passion for beetle-hunting had spent fifteen days in a small châlet at Anzeindaz, sleeping each night on the hay, gave me, some time since, a list of the various foods on which he lived and grew fat. The following is the carte, as he arranged it: Viandes. Vins. Du séret. Du lait de vache. Du caillé. Du lait froid. Du beurre. Du lait de chèvre.

In the first proposal Rumania was promised all of Bukowina south of the Seret River, better treatment of the Rumanian population of Austrian territory, the establishment of a Rumanian university in Brasso, large admissions of Rumanians into the public service of Hungary, and greater liberty of administration to the Rumanian churches in Austria.

Others had told us that the real word was serré, meaning compressed curds; but the French writers who treat learnedly of cheese-making in the Annales de Chimie adopt the form sérets; and in the Annales Scientifiques de l'Auvergne I find both seret and serai, from the Latin serum.

Du fromage gras. Petit lait. Du fromage mi-gras. De la crême. Du fromage maigre. Du lait de beurre. Tome de vache. Petit lait de chèvre. Tome de chèvre. Pour les Cochons. Du lait gâté. Cuite. Some of the solids and fluids in the earlier part of this carte we felt tolerably sure of finding at the maire's châlet, and accordingly any amount of cream and séret proved to be forthcoming.

The Tsar's Government admitted that Bukovina might be annexed by Roumania as far as the river Seret, but not farther north; whereas the Roumanian Premier insisted on obtaining the promise of a zone the northern boundary of which would be formed by the river Pruth, and would therefore include the important city of Czernowitz, which is the capital of the province.

SED TAMEN etc.: 'but for all that it was inevitable that there should be something with the nature of an end'. So 69 in quo est aliquid extremum, 43 aliquid pulchrum. Tusc. 1, 31 arbores seret diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet bacam ipse numquam TERRAEQUE FRUCTIBUS: here = cereals, roots, vegetables and small fruits.