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Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." "Your serenity is now ended; and now you may be going home," and so claps on his hat. Sir Win. Rider told the first of his own knowledge; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. Hence home and to read, and so to bed, but very late again. To church, where a stranger made a very good sermon.

Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." "Your serenity is now ended; and now you may be going home," and so claps on his hat. Sir Win. Rider told the first of his own knowledge; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. Hence home and to read, and so to bed, but very late again. To church, where a stranger made a very good sermon.

"Perhaps it is my cockney ignorance," said Caroline, beginning to breathe freely, and thinking it would have been less oppressive if Sua Serenita would have either laughed or scolded, instead of gravely leading her past the red-baize door which shut out the lower regions to the room where white armies of jam-pots stood marshalled, and in the midst two or three baskets of big yellow plums, which awoke in her a remembrance of their name, and set her laughing, thanking, and preparing to carry home the basket.

Buff, her Serene Highness, Sua Serenita, as Janet made it, became the sobriquets for Aunt Ellen, and were in continual danger of oozing out publicly. Indeed the younger population at Kencroft probably soon became aware of them, for on the next half-holiday Jock crept in with unmistakable tokens of combat about him, and on interrogation confessed, "It was Johnnie, mother.

Illustrissima Serenita sta finita, et puede andar en casa." "Your serenity is now ended; and now you may be going home;" and so claps on his hat. Sir Wm. Rider told the first of his own knowledge; and both he and Sir W. Batten confirm the last. 13th. Before twelve o'clock comes, by appointment, Mr. Mr. 15th. Mr. 16th.