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The two children said they loved their Aunty Seraine so much that they did not wish her to go away any more. After they were gone, it now being far into the Winter in fact, Spring was approaching Gen. Anderson said he felt that he could again take the field and perform his duty without endangering his health, and therefore must make preparations for returning to his command.

Adams, "this Miss Seraine Whitcomb was, indeed, a true woman, and, as the President well said, a 'little heroine. I take it she was rather small, from this expression of his." "Yes, she was rather small, but a pure jewel." "She was a woman of great determination, and loved purely and strongly.

We thought that it would be best for Henry and Seraine to return to Detroit; that Henry again should visit Canada, and, by him the information could be communicated to me. This being understood, they left the next day. James Whitcomb, having gone immediately home on his arrival at Allentown, would be with his parents and Seraine, while Henry should visit in Canada.

When Henry had gained strength enough to bear up under the double shock, we told him of the death of David and James, which painful news he had not heard before. It took him many days to rally after this melancholy intelligence of the fate of his dear brothers. After Henry was strong enough to walk about without help Seraine thought she must leave us for a time and return home.

He replied that he was, and began by saying: "After Jackson had returned from escorting Seraine to her home in Detroit, we discussed the question as to what steps should now be taken. Gen. Anderson was still quite feeble, his wound being very painful. It was thought that it would require considerable time for him to recover sufficiently to again be able to take the field.

"Henry clasped her in his arms and said: 'Seraine, I will do anything for you, and now I want to say right here, in the presence of my brother, that I am now and ever have been, ready to fulfill all of my promises to you. "Seraine looked him in the face and said: 'I have never doubted you, Henry, nor do I now.

Uncle Daniel continued: "Our lines of communication now being safely established, we were all anxious for Henry's departure; therefore, Henry and Seraine left for Detroit, leaving all of us almost heartbroken to be forced to give them up. But the hope of seeing them very soon again reconciled us to some extent.

"'Yes, said Jackson, 'revenge is saia to be sweet; but suppose you cannot get it, and instead of being revenged, you lose your own life? "'That is not all, Capt. Lyon, as Seraine called him by his title; 'Mr.

I broke down under this last sorrow, and was confined to the house for more than a year. Seraine cared for me as she would for her own father, and this child here, my dear Jennie, was with me and by my bedside nearly the whole time of my sickness. God bless her!" "So say we all!" was the response from those present. "Gen. Anderson visited me several times during my illness.

"I placed Jackson's commission in an envelope with a letter explaining how the President came to promote him. When the boy returned from the post-office he brought me a morning paper containing an account of Beall's raid on St. Albans, Vt.; how he had sacked the town, robbed the banks and alarmed the people. I said to Seraine, 'There it is!