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"Ay Dios, si sera possible que he ya hallado lugar que pueda servir de escondida sepultura a la carga pesada deste cuerpo, que tan contra mi voluntad sostengo?"

We feared the balmy air we feared the cloudless sky, the flower-covered earth, and delightful woods, for we looked on the fabric of the universe no longer as our dwelling, but our tomb, and the fragrant land smelled to the apprehension of fear like a wide church-yard. Pisando la tierra dura de continuo el hombre esta y cada passo que da es sobre su sepultura.

I afterwards saw, at Dryburgh Abbey, the burying place of this predestinated and tenacious family, the inscription of which showed the value they set upon their antiquity: Locus Sepultura, Antiquessima Familia De Haga De Bemerside.

33 De Pygmeis, et itinere vsque prouinciam Cathay. 34 De pallacio Imperatoris magni Chan. 35 De quatuor solemnitatibus, quas magnus Chan celebrat in Anno. 36 De praestigijs in festo, et de comitatu Imperatoris. 37 Qua de causa dicitur magnus Chan. 38 De territorio Cathay, et moribus Tartarorum. 39 De sepultura Imperatoris magni Chan, et de creatione successoris.

They are large and frightful, many of them six inches in breadth; and after a night of rain, the streets are almost covered, so that it is impossible to walk any distance without crushing dozens of them. The city is so badly situated, and the climate so unhealthy, that few persons can exist there, and it is justly termed by the Spaniards 'La Sepultura de los Europeanos."

Mere leisure, that is to say, intellect unoccupied in the service of the will, is not of itself sufficient: there must be a real superfluity of power, set free from the service of the will and devoted to that of the intellect; for, as Seneca says, otium sine litteris mors est et vivi hominis sepultura illiterate leisure is a form of death, a living tomb.