United States or Namibia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Parties of the townsmen were playing at golf; others were romping, running, walking, with all the thoughtless erility of the French character. I never enjoyed an hour more sensibly. The evening was delightful, and all around seemed gay and happy. Our journey to Nevers was partly by moon-light. The road exceeds all powers of description.

I gave one good look into his soft, round, glassy eyes, and could see nothing there but the most tranquil contentment. He had finished his cabbage leaf, and we had finished our call; so we will go on. It was now drawing towards evening, and the air began to be sensibly and piercingly cold.

We are all sensible of it, and we think that that great difference should be recognised when the necessary burdens of the State have to be divided and shared between all classes. The application of this principle of differentiation of income-tax has enabled the present Government sensibly to lighten the burden of the great majority of income-tax payers.

Both in Africa and India there is a superstition with regard to the horns of all the species, which the natives declare are sensibly acted on by poison. It is the custom to make cups of them, and in India it is said, that liquid poison poured into them, effervesces in such a manner that it overflows the cup.

The Doctor was evidently green, green in his faith, green in his simplicity, green in his general belief of the divine in woman, green in his particular humble faith in one small Puritan maiden, whom a knowing fellow might at least have maneuvered so skilfully as to break up her saintly superiority, discompose her, rout her ideas, and lead her up and down a swamp of hopes and fears and conjectures, till she was wholly bewildered and ready to take him at last if he made up his mind to have her at all as a great bargain, for which she was to be sensibly grateful.

Madam Dix died at the age of ninety-one, leaving her granddaughter, still in Europe, a substantial legacy, which sensibly increased her limited resources and, when the time came for action, left her free to carry out her great schemes of benevolence without hampering personal anxieties. It ought to preserve the memory of Madam Dix that she endowed a great philanthropist.

I cut up one of these roots, and bound the cooling leaves to the wounded hand with my handkerchief. "There," said I. "Fortunately if you feel pain more sensibly than others, you will recover from it more quickly."

Yet we must yield sensibly, and not allow our time to be needlessly wasted at all events, by brothers and sisters and friends.

I will take care of everything, and you will see me again in the course of the week:" Charles came back with the doctor, and Christine, leaving her mother's bedside, took a chair opposite to us. She answered very sensibly all the questions addressed to her by Charles, often exciting his mirth by her artlessness, but not shewing any silliness.

A new disdain for personal risks had caught fire from that flaming quality in the woman. "Hev ye ever seed Coal City?" inquired Mallows, and when the other shook his head, he continued in a lowered voice. "Wa'al hit's a right rough sort of place. Hit's a coal minin' town with only one tavern an' things goes forward thar right sensibly similar ter hell on a hot night.