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"We four will take it in turn," he agreed. "Lourenço Pedro you I. Three-hour tours." "Pardon, Capitao," interposed Pedro. "It would be well to change that. You two senhores take the first two watches." "Why?" frowned McKay. "Because Lourenço and I wish to go visiting. We are much smitten with the charms of the ladies here."

Or would you prefer whisky, gentlemen?" "Ginger-ale highballs are my favorite fruit," admitted Knowlton. "Can ginger ale be bought here?" "Indeed yes. At one milrei a bottle." "Cheap enough. Thomaz, three bottles of ginger ale and one of North American whisky the best. Cigars also. Out on the piazza." "Si, senhores." Schwandorf got up. "If you will pardon me, I will drink my kümmel.

"Heave this trumpery overboard, and you, Senhores priests, may be thankful that you have been deprived of the means of cheating your countrymen and deceiving the ignorant natives by your abominable impostures." The sailors, with shouts of satisfaction, forthwith hove overboard the boxes of relics, the bales of "indulgences," and the leaden charms, which quickly sank to the bottom.

He looked at us for a long time, and we at him. Then he began walking away sidewise, watching us steadily, holding his arrow always ready. Finally he disappeared among the trees and we saw him no more. But we heard him, senhores; twice before we lost sight of him he spoke out in a queer voice like that of a parrot. And the thing he said was, 'Poor Davey!" McKay thumped a fist on his chair.

The cavity was almost big enough to sling a hammock in, but it was empty of any indication of habitation, human or otherwise. A temporary refuge that was all. "No sign anywhere around here, eh?" queried McKay. "We have found none. We shall look farther, but I have small hope. If you senhores will make the camp this time we shall start at once and stay out until dark. Build no fire until we return.

"Senhores!" sounded Pedro's voice, low but tense, across the water. "Be ready!" "Ready and waiting!" snapped McKay. "Who are those people. Your women?" "Si. We are not discovered " Across his words smote a long shrill yell from the town. "Por Deus. We are discovered! Get our rifles, for the love of Deus Padre." He leaped into a canoe, drove it headlong across, and dived for the tambo.

If you should do so it would be a matter of regret to me." "Meaning that we should not come out again? That's a risk we have to face. We go wherever it is necessary." "I am sorry. I regret also that I can give you no definite information. Yet I wish you all success, senhores, and a safe return.

There they found a thin, fever-worn, gravely courteous gentleman awaiting them. "Sit, senhores," he urged, with a languid wave of the hand toward chairs. "I am honored by your visit, as is all Remate de Males. In what way can I serve you?" The blond answered: "We have come, sir, both for the pleasure of making your acquaintance and for a little information.

"You speak truth there was. Now there is not. The world moves and times change. Years ago foreigners came into Brazil, helped themselves to the seed of our wild trees, and planted it in Ceylon and the Malay region. That seed now bears such fruit that the world is flooded with rubber. Ten years ago, senhores, a ton sold for six thousand five hundred dollars.

The five invaders were about theirs. As the paddlers dipped, however, Knowlton held back. "Say, Rod, we didn't tell these fellows about Schwandorf's Indian. Hold up a second, men." While all rested on their paddles he spoke of the mysterious messenger dispatched from Nazareth. Pedro and Lourenço contemplated the river, then frowned. "That may be of importance, senhores," said Lourenço.