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You might say it represents a semicolon in the story of the campaign. Probably no future historian will give it so much as a paragraph. In our own Civil War it would have been worth a page in the records anyway.

The two subordinate propositions, ending with the semicolon and colon respectively, almost wholly determine the meaning of the principal proposition with which it concludes; and the effect would be lost were they placed last instead of first.

'Naturally, she puts her semicolon, ominous of the full stop. 'I fancy you have never been in Egypt? 'No' There it is; for the tone betrays no curiosity about Egypt and her Nile, and he is led to suppose that she has a distaste for foreign places.

If we discover repetitions of such letters, so arranged, they will most probably represent the word 'the. Upon inspection, we find no less than seven such arrangements, the characters being ;48. We may, therefore, assume that the semicolon represents t, that 4 represents h, and that 8 represents e the last being now well confirmed. Thus a great step has been taken.

It was this natural slight and not unpleasant semicolon pausing of the memory which grew upon him in his years of decline, until it rendered conversation laborious and painful to him. He never laughed loudly.

I reproduce the punctuation of the Pisan edition, with a colon after 'his own, and a semicolon after 'sorrow. It appears to me however that the sense would rather require either a full stop after 'his own, and a comma after 'sorrow, or else a comma after 'his own, and a full stop or colon after 'sorrow. Yet it is possible that the phrase, 'As in the accents, &c., forms a separate clause by itself, meaning, 'As if in the accents of an unknown land, he sang new sorrow.

An' Elly Precious knows she's comin', I know he knows. Tickle him an' see how pleased he is!" Without comma or semicolon, to say nothing of periods, Evangeline panted on. Out of breath at last, her voice sat down an instant, as it were, to rest. It was up again in a moment. "To-morrow is most to-day! It'll be to-day to-morrow! Oh, mercy gracious me!

Of these ten, three are for punctuation, the substitution of a period for a semicolon, the introduction of three commas, and the substitution of an interrogation point for a comma; the punctuation being of not the slightest service in either case, as the sense is as clear as noonday in all.

It was this natural slight and not unpleasant semicolon pausing of the memory which grew upon him in his years of decline, until it rendered conversation laborious and painful to him. He never laughed loudly.

When the prayers are correctly printed, as in the authentic 'Missale Romanum, the place of the inflexions is indicated by a colon, 'punctum principals, and a semicolon, 'semi-punctum, respectively. The question is often asked, why Dominus vobiscum is said after the collect, or prayer.