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It is doubtful whether any one unacquainted with the teaching of the Courts of Love, such as they were in the twelfth century, would have made the compulsory quest of love the keynote of a story, as, for instance, Marie does in theLay of Guigemar.” These Courts of Love, though not so elaborate, yet seemingly as imperious, as those of the fourteenth century, formed one of the semi-serious pastimes of the Middle Ages, and although it may be that they were often mere forms of entertainment, no self-respecting person could afford to disregard their rules or decisions.

"Ah, you! you are my client, and that will save you; for genius is an odious privilege, to which too much is accorded in France; we shall be forced to annihilate some of our greatest men in order to teach others to be simple citizens." The corn-cutter spoke with a semi-serious, semi-jesting air that made Gazonal shudder. "So," he said, "there's to be no more religion?"

She and the General had been girl and boy together, and as they came to eighteen and nineteen had been semi-serious sweethearts. The embryo General no doubt because of her pretty face had taken all her student vagaries with lover-like seriousness, and had, on one occasion, assisted in a notable enterprise.

The Press Board, organized by this official reporter, consists of seven students reporting for Boston papers and two for those in New York. At the time of the Wellesley fire, this board proved itself particularly efficient in disseminating accurate information. But it is not the workaday Wellesley, tranquilly pursuing her serious and semi-serious occupations, that the outsiders know best.

"It wasn't necessary," he replied and immediately added, in semi-serious apology: "I thought it was admirable, what you said. If she'd talked to a dozen syndicalist leaders, she couldn't have had it put more clearly. Only I'm afraid she doesn't know the truth when she hears it." "Now you're making fun of me!" "Indeed I'm not," he protested.

In his semi-humorous and semi-serious way he said, "I used to state that I never expected to live long enough to see the road completed, but that when my friends would be crossing the continent upon it, I would be looking down upon them from another and better sphere; my opponents said I would be looking up, but in reality to the surprise of both, I am doing it on the horizontal."

He came back to Oxford utterly untouched by the Platonic mysticism or the semi-serious infidelity which characterized the group of scholars round Lorenzo the Magnificent. He was hardly more influenced by their literary enthusiasm. The knowledge of Greek seems to have had one almost exclusive end for him, and this was a religious end.

The story of 'Vice Versa, where a man really became a boy again, passed through his mind and made him laugh. And the old Vicar kept on feeding the semi-serious mood with what seemed almost intentional sly digs.

Masterman attacked her at once in a sort of bantering way. "So Miss Raeburn, now I understand why some time ago you walked out in the middle of my lecture one evening." And then followed a most irritating semi-serious remonstrance, in questionable taste. Erica writhed under it.

A curiously-wrought locket is the correct thing, I believe. People in books usually carry something of that description and it is always curiously wrought. I don't know where they buy them." "I think they are usually inherited," suggested Jocelyn. "I suppose they are," he went on in the same semi-serious tone.