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I don't promise I'll be simply stunned with surprise; that story young Jewel told last night does seem to have some awful weak points in it " "Why dad Selmer! You know perfectly well that Johnny Jewel is the soul of honor! Why you owe an apology to Johnny for ever thinking such a thing about him! Why, for gracious sake, must everybody on this ranch be so blind and stupid?"

After keeping the country in a turmoil of excitement over his disappearance in an airplane, the Skyrider, young Jewel, flies boldly to Rolling R ranch and abducts beautiful Mary V Selmer, only daughter of the rich rancher who led the search for the missing birdman. Romance is not dead, though airplanes have taken the place of horses when young Lochinvar goes boldly out to steal himself a bride.

His sour lips drew up at the corners, as they had done when Johnny had made him the proposition in Agua Dulce. Mary V closed her camera and came toward them, walking springily through the sand, looking more than ever like a slim boy in her riding breeches and boots. "All right. You lend Miss Selmer your goggles and cap, Bland. You won't need 'em yourself till I get back." "Till you what?"

Selling it or borrowing money on it anything of that kind would be a penal offence. You probably understand this but if so, telling you can do no harm; and if you didn't know it, it may prevent you from making a mistake." "I guess you needn't lay awake nights over my going to the pen," Johnny replied loftily. "I believe our business is finished for the present so good day to you, Mr. Selmer."

And if that girl of mine's in any trouble, it'll be your fault more than anybody's. If you'd stuck to your job and done what I've been paying you wages to do " "You don't have to rub all that in, Mr. Selmer. I guess I know it better than you do. Just because I don't come crying around you with a lot of please-forgive-me stuff, you think I don't give a cuss! Which way did Mary V go?

Or maybe he could get Sudden to let him go back with cattle from the Gila River Ranch only he wouldn't ask any favors from any one by the name of Selmer. No, he'd be darned if he would! He'd just draw his wages, when he had enough saved, and drop out of sight. He wouldn't even tell Curley where he was going. And then, some day

The girl's eighteen on the twenty-fourth day of next January, at five o'clock in the morning. If you like, Robbins, I'll call up Selmer. I guess I'd better, anyway. He may want to talk to these kids himself." The clerk put his pen behind his ear again and turned apologetically to Johnny. "We'd better wait," he said mildly.

The traffic cop stood still for a minute, rubbing his chin vaguely and staring after Mary V. Then he went back to his post, grinning and frowning which gave him a strange, complex expression. "Aw, say, Miss Selmer " "Will you be quiet? Haven't you done harm enough, for gracious sake? Aren't you satisfied with getting me almost put in jail innocently?

That dream could be dreamed no more, since its magic vapors had been dissipated in the bright sun of reality. He could no longer dream of flying, any more than he could build air castles over riding a horse. Neither could he rack his soul with thoughts of Mary V Selmer, wondering whether she would ever get to caring much for a fellow. Mary V had demonstrated with much frankness that she cared.

Were he older, were he a property owner, Sudden Selmer would not so lightly wave aside that debt. He would pay Johnny the respect of fighting for his just rights. But no just because he was barely of age, just because he was Johnny Jewel, they all acted as though why, darn 'em, they acted as though he was a kid offering to earn money to pay for a broken plate! And Mary V