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She went round behind a big table, where they had piles o' jimcracks, an' popped behind a curtain, an' jest as I was gittin' scared for fear she wuz gone agi'n, out she come an' took the place of a tired-lookin' woman that set on a high stool sellin' the jimcracks.

I can earn my own livin' sellin' papers, or smashin' baggage, and keep away from Tim. I'd have done it before if I'd had a friend like you to care for me." "We will stand by each other, Dodger. Heaven knows I need a friend, and if I can be a friend to you, and help you, I will." "We'll get out here, Miss Florence. I told Mrs.

I'm sure I'd rather be sold, ten thousand times over, than to have all that ar poor crittur's got to answer for." "So 'd I, a heap," said Jake. "Lor, shouldn't we cotch it, Andy?" Andy shrugged his shoulders, and gave an acquiescent whistle. "I'm glad Mas'r didn't go off this morning, as he looked to," said Tom; "that ar hurt me more than sellin', it did.

De folks like de new-fangle' cakes betteh, an' gwine back to de ole way wouldn't do no good. It's all boun'ter come out dat I'se sellin' fer you as well as fer me. Marse Clancy axed ef you wasn't, leastways he 'gan to ax when I shut him up." "How did you shut him up?" said Mara, breathing quickly. "By axin' him anoder question. Yah, yah, I'se Yankee 'nuff fer dat.

The fences, the occasional farms in the valleys could not subdue its outspread, serene majesty to prettiness. It was still of desert sternness and breadth. From all these impersonal considerations the girl was brought back to the vital phases of her life by the harsh voice of one of the men. "Lize Wetherford is goin' to get jumped one o' these days for sellin' whiskey without a license.

There's one got a good stand down in George Street, and she's got a dozen kids sellin' they can't be all hers-and then she's got the hide to come up to my stand and sell in front of me.... What are you thinkin' about doin', Mrs Aspinall?" "I don't know," she wailed. "I really don't know what to do."

"It's two men sellin' a patent iron kiver for to protect the graves of your dead from the sun an' the rain." "Who wants the graves of their dead protected from the sun and the rain?" demanded my mother sharply. "I said to Josiah, 'I don't know how she'll feel about it, but I can't do more than ask." "Do they carry a sample? What is it like?" "Jest the len'th an' width of a grave.

I've laid me up er little money fum time ter time, wen I'd be er doct'in uv hosses an' mules an' men'-in' cheers, an' all sich ez dat; de folks dey pays me lib'ul; an', let erlone dat, I'm done mighty well wid my taters an' goobers, er sellin' uv 'em ter de steamboat han's, wat takes 'em ter de town, an' 'sposes uv 'em.

"Say, Buster Jack, don't get any idee thet my ole pard Wade was shootin' at your head. Aw, no!" The other rustlers understood then, if Belllounds had not, that the situation was in control of a man not in any sense ordinary. "Cap, did you know Buster Jack accused my friend, Wils Moore, of stealin' these cattle you're sellin'?" asked Wade, deliberately.

That real estate fellow, the one Barney B. Phelps, I mean introduced me to down street one time, met me t'other day and told me if I ever thought of sellin' this place to let him know. Said he had a customer, or thought he had, that knew the house well and always liked it. He believed that feller would buy, if the price was right.