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It was a Sell-Out, because all the Members of the Research Club wanted to see that new Dido called the Chicken Flop. There was no knocking at the Dutch Lunches that night. Every one said the Show was a Bint, but they thought it was up to the Author to resign from the Baptist Church. MORAL: In elevating the Drama be sure to get it High enough, even if you have to make it a trifle Gamey.

Tell hit right, so's Davy here will know the story." Welborn laughed at Landy's recitals. "No, I didn't intimidate him. I made him see the matter in the right light. The proposition to sell-out came from him. I didn't want to buy him out, I had nothing to buy with, but the dust that it took me all summer to acquire.

In company with Mr. Owens, he set himself actively at work to effect a complete sell-out. After a good deal of anxious inquiry, he found a man who was willing to pay one half of the real valuation attached to his property. Notwithstanding this sacrifice, the bargain was closed and the business details completed. In company with Mr.

"He's got Smythe frightened of him now, an' beginnin' to hate him like fury, besides. That's M'Gregor's lay. By-'n'-by, Smythe'll be dreamin' about him all night, an' wishin' he was game to poison him all day; an' when he feels enough haunted, M'Gregor'll make him an offer, an' he'll sell-out like a bird." "I should be inclined to reverse the situation," remarked Stevenson.

"Of course," said Harry, "there will have to be a branch track built, and a 'switch-back' up the hill." "Yes, there will be no trouble about getting the money for that now. We could sell-out tomorrow for a handsome sum. That sort of coal doesn't go begging within a mile of a rail-road. I wonder if Mr. Bolton' would rather sell out or work it?"

An' between one thing an' another, an' bein' follered-up like the last dingo on a sheep station, ole Tregarvis was glad to sell-out to M'Gregor, before all was over. Yes, Stevenson; Lord 'a' mercy on M'Gregor if you got a holt of him! My word!

"I should make him glad to sell-out to me." "My word, you'd do a lot," replied Bob. "I seen smarter men nor you took-down through tryin' to work points on the same ole M'Gregor.

"Of course," said Harry, "there will have to be a branch track built, and a 'switch-back' up the hill." "Yes, there will be no trouble about getting the money for that now. We could sell-out tomorrow for a handsome sum. That sort of coal doesn't go begging within a mile of a rail-road. I wonder if Mr. Bolton' would rather sell out or work it?"

In this crisis he turned to Pitt to lead a new ministry. In one way the king and Pitt were alike. On the other hand they differed as to what these terms meant. The intent was good, the timing was wrong. Pitt, for reasons still somewhat obscure, accepted a peerage and became Lord Chatham and opened the door to cries of corruption and sell-out by the "Great Commoner."

They moved a postponement, but to no purpose; Maud was elected; and the angry politicians had no better revenge than to say spitefully to Pennybaker on the stairs, as they went away, "How much did the Captain give you for that sell-out?" a jeer which he met by a smile of conscious rectitude and a request to be informed the next time they organized a freeze-out against him.