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I would not wish to offend the self-regard of Vermilionville. But what a place in which to seek enlargement of life!

But when these things have gone before, and when they have been accompanied, as they surely will be, with the results that flow from them without an interval of time viz. enrichment with possession of the kingdom, the comforting and drying of the tears of penitence, and the possession of a righteousness bestowed because it is desired, and not won because it is worked for then, and only then, will the heart be purged and defecated from its evils and its self-regard, and its eyes opened and couched and strengthened to behold undazzled the eternal light of God.

Herbert Spencer has done more fully, that if Adam cared only for Eve and Eve only for Adam neither caring at all for himself or herself both would perish in less than a year. Self-regard, that is, is essential, and sympathy supposes its existence. Hence Bentham puts himself through a catechism. What is the 'best' government? That which causes the greatest happiness of the given community.

'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they' and they only 'shall see God. Whenever from the undrained swamps of my own passions and sensualities, or from the as malarious though loftier grounds of my own self-regard, be I student or thinker, or moral man, there rise up these light mists, they will fill the sky and hide the sun.

I thought that in this business I had risen superior to personal considerations, and judged with a total neglect of the suggestions of self-regard. It is true, Mr. Falkland was mortal, but, notwithstanding his apparent decay, he might live long. Ought I to submit to waste the best years of my life in my present wretched situation?