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After looking over the Johnnie Duncan and admiring her to our hearts' content, we sat down in her cabin and began to talk of the seining season to come. Others came down and joined in George Moore, Eddie Parsons among others and they asked Clancy what he was going to do. Was he going to see about a chance to go seining, or what?

"Get Captain Blake to make a name for himself seining, and for sailing his vessel as she ought to be sailed, and I'll get down on my knees to Alice for him sail her as she ought to be sailed, remember. And make a good stock with her, and you'll see."

Next day we passed Coconut Island on our right, and Dove Island on our left, and anchored near Arden Island, where we landed on the following morning before daylight with a seining party. We saw traces but none very recent of visits paid by the natives, indicated by remains of fires, turtle bones, a large pit dug as a well, and two old graves.

It was only summer fishing after all seining wasn't like winter trawling and in the end she would see it as I did. I walked along, and as the last man in my mind was Maurice Blake, of course he was the first I had to run into. He was not looking well; I mean he was not looking as he should have looked.

And because the salmon schools in mass formation, crowding nose to tail and side to side, in the entrance to a fresh-water stream, the Fisheries Department having granted a monopoly of seining rights to a packer has also benevolently decreed that no purse seine or other net shall operate within a given distance of a stream mouth, that the salmon, having won to fresh water, shall go free and his kind be saved from utter extinction.

Here and there along the shores we saw little huts of fishermen, with nets hung out to dry, or groups of men seining or dropping dip-nets; upon many slopes were little terrace garden spots, where modest crops were cultivated; here and there were mats lately finished or heaps of fresh-cut rushes for their fabrication.

Wasn't it on the cover of that there long-tennis box we bought and put in the window, and the country people thought it was a seining outfit?" "It was a game, the catalogue said," observed Miss Selina. "Wasn't it?" "It was a mighty pore investment," the postmaster answered.

At the home of Colonel Jack Smith, the two men remained a week to rest their horses and take their bearings. General Toombs spent much time on the Oconee trolling for trout, while bodies of Union cavalry were watching the ferries and guarding the fords, seining for bigger fish. Passing into Wilkinson County, General Toombs stopped at the home of Mr. Joseph Deas.

"Or two hundred would be doing pretty well." "Or even a hundred barrels wouldn't be bad." There were two or three young fellows among the crew, fellows like myself, who had never seen much seining, and they couldn't keep still for excitement when from the mast-head came the word that a boat ahead was out and making a set.

No, nor anybody else in the old square-enders he gen'rally sails in. I'll bet he's glad to change winter trawling for summer seining. I'll bet he put in a few wakeful nights on the Banks in his time mind the time he parted his cable and came bumping over Sable Island No'the-east Bar? Found the only channel there was, I callate.