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At noon, calmly and in a businesslike way she put the books around her bosom, and so skillfully and snugly that Yegor announced, smacking his lips with satisfaction: "Sehr gut! as the German says when he has drunk a keg of beer. Literature has not changed you, granny. You still remain the good, tall, portly, elderly woman. May all the numberless gods grant you their blessings on your enterprise!"

Arise in thy might, I say, and let our enemies be scattered!" Then he wiped his forehead, looked round in recognition of the sehr guts and ausserordentlich schon gesagts that were being flung about, re-lit his cigar with the aid of the Herr Lehrer, who sprang obsequiously forward with a match, and sat down. Wasn't it a good thing he sat down. I felt so much happier.

"We go as we are ready, from this establishment, just anyhow as long as we're not in ones or twos Lily won't have twos, as I dare say you've observed. Be good, my che-hild," she said heartily, drawing on her second boot, "and you'll be happy sehr sehr happy, I hope, Hendy." "Thank you," laughed Miriam. Emma's hands were on her muff, stroking it eagerly.

The English had sent a "diplomat" in addition to their military delegate, a civilian whom he had known well in Constantinople. It was altogether quaint and interesting, meeting and talking with this man, with whom he might, so to speak, have been playing bridge the night before "Sehr nett! Sehr nett!" he said. With his soft smile.

Freilich erreichte keiner seinen Meister, den sie sehr bald aus dem Gesicht verloren, und nun die possirlichsten Sprünge von der Welt machen und doch bildet sich jeder der Affen ein, er reite so schön wie der Yorick.”

He did not trouble himself to get up, when I looked in, but stretched himself in his bed, it was high noon, responding to my sniff of disgust that it was "sehr schoen! ein bischen kalt, aber was!" His neighbor, a white-haired old woman, begged, trembling, not to be put out. She would not know where to go.

But it would be so terribly cold in the cave! I never drank wine when I was cold. But the climbing was sehr stark we should need to give ourselves strength! I never needed to give myself strength. There was no good water to be found the whole way! I never drank water. Then, at last, after a brief grunt with the landlord, he struck: he simply would not go without wine!

He assures me that he never would have known me, and that five years have altered me sehr! I asked him if it were for the better? He looked at me hard for a moment, with his eyes of blue, and then, for an answer, he blushed again. On my arrival we agreed to walk over from the village. He dismissed his wagon with my luggage, and we went arm-in-arm through the dusk.

"Sehr schön!" exclaimed Herr Schlitz, looking up and nodding; "you must zing zome more," and he played the first bars of Marie, am Fenster sitzest du, humming the words under his breath, and quite oblivious of any one but himself and the singer. "Zierlich," he said when the song was done, reaching for the collection of Lassen.

Baudissin, Adonis und Esmun, remarks that Adonis belongs to "einer Klasse von Wesen sehr unbestimmter Art der wohl uber den Menschen aber unter den grossen Gottern stehen, und weniger Individualitat besitzen als diese." Such a criticism applies of course equally to Attis. Mithra, on the other hand, occupies an entirely different position.