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Hetty had listened, as usual, to hear the Doctor leave Sally's room: she was more than usually impatient to have him go, for she was waiting to take in to Sally a big basket of arbutus blossoms which old Cæsar had gathered, and had brought to Hetty with a characteristic speech. "Seems's if the Lord meant 'em for baby's cheeks, don't it, Miss Hetty? they're so rosy."

Seems's old man Lamont and his daughter was very much upset because Debby Badger and Ase Blueworthy would be turned out of house and home 'count of the place being sold. The colonel was hot foot for giving 'em a check for five hundred dollars to square things; said his daughter'd made him promise he would.

Seems's if that poor woman'd oughter be stopped watchin' for a dead man; tuckerin' herself all out, an' keepin' Ivory an' the boy all nerved up." "I've told Ivory everything I could gether up in the way of information, and give him the names of the folks in Ohio that had writ back to New Hampshire.

Parker! says she, 'how DO you do? Seems's if I hadn't seen you for an age! Ain't it dreadful lonesome at your house now your sister's away? "Kenelm colored up some he always h'isted danger signals when women heave in sight and agreed that 'twas kind of poky bein' all alone.

"Companion was allers kind o' dreamy an' absent-minded from a boy. Said he called her Mis' Bixby afore he married her an' Mis' Pike afterwards!" "Well, there 's something turrible queer 'bout this marryin' business," and Cephas drew a sigh from the heels of his boots. "It seems's if a man hedn't no natcheral drawin' towards a girl with a good farm 'n' stock that was willin' to have him!

"Be still, both of you! I sh'd think you'd be ashamed, with everybody here so! Oh, my soul and body!" turning to the company, "if it ain't enough to try a saint! Sometimes seems's if I SHOULD give up. You be thankful, Abigail," to Miss Mullett, who sat by the door, "that you ain't got nine in a family and nobody to help teach 'em manners.

He leaned acrost the table and says he, in a sort of mysterious whisper: "Mrs. Badger," says he, "do you ever see things? Not common things, but strange shadders like?" "Mercy me!" says the widow. "No. Do YOU?" "Sometimes seems's if I did. Jest now, as I set here looking at you, it seemed as if I saw a man come up and put his hand on your shoulder." Well, you can imagine Debby.

Holding the baby close, he breathed, "Don't, brat, dear! Look at me. I been feelin' yer daddy round all day, too. He'll always be near to help you an' the little kid." A pathetic trembling of her lips hushed the flow of his words. "It seems's if I couldn't live, Andy. I dunno how I can, I dunno how!" Her voice trailed away into a plaintive moan.

He hastened to explain that, having borrowed the umbrella of Charles Phillips the previous week, he had dropped in on his next visit to Orham to return it. Jed grunted. "Humph!" he said, "you never came to see me last night. When you was as close aboard as next door seems's if you might." The major laughed. "Well, you'll have to admit that I came to- day," he said.

"Seems's if I sha'n't ever get over the shock," she said to herself, looking off to the railroad track, shining in the morning sunlight. "To look up from my sewing and see la! and 'twas the first time I ever sat down to that rag-rug since I had to drop it and run over and take care of Simon, when they brought me word he was 'most cut to pieces in the mowing machine. My senses!