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Symes, says he, 'daown in my cabin in the starboard locker aft, says he, 'you'll find some prime Havana seegars, and the best o' Lawrence's aould Medford New England rum, says he. 'That best o' Lawrence's aould Medford New England rum, says he, 'an' them prime Havana seegars, says he, 'is yourn for the rest of the v'y'ge.

'I see rice, coffee, rolls, cocoanuts, choice seegars, oats, hay, hard and soft coal, an' Gen'ral Otis an' there's a man that I rayspict, he says. 'I see flowers bloomin' that was superyor to anny conservatory in Poolasky county, he says.

I'd get a thimbleful of elderberry wine or something about every second Friday, except when I'd duck out the side door of a church and find some caffy. Here, George, foomer, foomer bring us some seegars, and then stay on that spot I may want you." "Well, well!" said Cousin Egbert again, as if the meeting were still incredible. "You old stinging-lizard!" responded the other affectionately.

Barbie had a bit of a headache, 'cause her cinch had broke that mornin' while she was havin' a little argument with a bad-actor; an' about eight o'clock she give us the fare-you-well an' fluttered up to bed. So the four of us me, Dick, the stranger, an' ol' Jabez sat there smokin' seegars an' tellin' anecdotes.

"I'll have to admit it. The blood really belonged to 'Rast Little. Boys, the seegars are on me." "No, they're on me," exclaimed Tom Reddon, producing a box of Perfectos. "But, Miss Banks, you are wanted in Chicago," insisted Anderson. Reddon interrupted him. "Right you are, my dear Sherlock, and I'm going to take her there as soon as I can. It's what I came East for."

So that it was not surprising that the amiable conductor, standing by for the tickets and struck by the obvious likeness, should have observed: "Your son's pretty young to be a-smokin' seegars, ain't he?" Mr. Stanhope, not knowing what this remark meant, and caring less, answered with a cold stare, though inwardly he cursed the man for his fatuous impertinence.

'Twas th' dhream iv me life to have people say as I wint by: 'There goes Dooley, th' gr-reatest statesman iv his age, an' have thim name babies, sthreets, schools, canal boats, an' five-cent seegars afther me, an' whin I died to have it put in th' books that 'at this critical peeryod in th' history of America there was need iv a man who combined strenth iv charackter with love iv counthry.

BY and by, when we got up, we turned over the truck the gang had stole off of the wreck, and found boots, and blankets, and clothes, and all sorts of other things, and a lot of books, and a spyglass, and three boxes of seegars. We hadn't ever been this rich before in neither of our lives. The seegars was prime.

"Then we went into a high-toned vittel dispensary, I bet you. Jeemima! but she was gold and white paint to knock your eye out. I'll never tell you what I et, but it was good food. And to wind up, come little cups of coffee and big seegars. It was beautiful. Then says my man, 'Well, this is a day in a hundred.

You oughtn't to bother about me. Well, John," he smiled, as he put out his hand, "the seegars seems to be on you as the feller says." And John put his arm about Lycurgus Mason, as they walked out of the kitchen, and Jane reached for her gingham apron. Then life began for Mr. and Mrs. John Barclay in earnest.