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It was quaint to see the other guns correcting their range, but always a bit after the fair. Of course, I knew it was Tam and I somehow knew he was just circling round trying out the new gun. How he escaped, the Lord knows!" Faithful to his promise, Tam returned. "If any of you gentlemen have a seegair " he asked. Half a dozen were offered to him and he took them all.

He's a braw Hoon an' A'm encouraged by the fine things that the baron said aboot ma poetry. Ech! A've got a graund vairse in ma heid for Mr. Muller's buryin'! Hae ye a seegair aboot ye, Captain Blackie? A' gave ma case to the Duke of Argyle an' he has no' retairned it." There arrived one day at the aerodrome a large packing-case addressed "Sergeant Tam."

There he sits, the wee man wi'oot so much as a seegair to keep him company thank ye, sir-r, A'll not smoke it the noo, but 'twill be welcomed by one of the sufferin' mechanics there sits Tam, gettin' into the mind, or substitute, of the Hoon." "But do you seriously believe that you have scared him?" Tam's eyes twinkled. "Mr. Craig, sir-r, what do ye fear wairst in the world?"

"Oh, them," said Tam in an extravagant tone of surprise, "they're comin' back, Captain Blackie, sir-r a' five, one with an engine that's runnin' no' so sweet that'll be Mister Gordon's, A'm thinkin'." Captain Blackie turned to the other incredulously. "You can hear them?" he asked. "I hear nothing." "It's the smell of Master Taunton's seegair in your ears," said Tam.

A forest maiden wi'oot the forest or a hard-workin' factory lass wi'oot a chimney-stalk, is no more convincin' than a seegair band wi'oot the seegair, or an empty pay envelope." "Why this disquisition on the arts, Tam?" asked Captain Blackie testily.

"Maybe ye thocht o' makin' me treesurer? Naw? Ah weel, a wee seegair is no muckle to gie a body wha's brocht fame an' honor to the Wing." "I often wonder, Tam," said Carter, "how much you're joking and laughing at yourself when you're talking about 'Tam, the Terror of the Clouds, and how much you're in earnest." A fleeting smile flickered for a second about Tam's mouth and vanished.

Ye may laugh, Mister Carter, but A' reca' a case wheer a bonnie detective wi' the same name as ye'sel', though A' doot if he wis related to ye, was foiled by the machinations o' Ferdie the Foorger at the moment o' his triumph by the lad gieing him a seegair soaked in laud'num an' chlorofor-rm!"

Was he thinkin' of home, of his humble cot in the shadow of Ben Lomond? He was not, for he never had a home in the shadow of Ben Lomond. Was he thinkin' sadly of the meanness o' his superior officer who had left one common seegair in his box and had said, 'Tam, go into my quarters and help yourself to the smokes'?"

Every fiber in ma body, includin' ma suspenders, is tense wi' rage an' horror." "A cigar, Tam?" "No, thank ye, sir-r," said Tam, waving aside the proffered case and extracting two cigars in one motion. "Well, perhaps A'd better. A've run oot o' seegairs, an' the thoosand A' ordered frae ma Glasgae factor hae been sunk by enemy action this is no' a bad seegair, Captain Blackie, sir-r.

"It's in General Orders this morning, sir you've got a commission, an' Mr. Brandspeth says that the mess will be expectin' you to lunch at one-thirty." Tam sat down on the bed, biting his lip. "Get oot, Angus," he said huskily, "an' stay you! Ye'll find a seegair in the box under the bed an', Angus, A'm lunchin' oot to-morrow."