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Patches of green grass, appearing on the sunny side of the road where the snow had melted, led to predictions of spring from the loafers beginning to sun themselves on the salt-barrels and shoe-boxes outside the stores. A group sitting about the blacksmith shop were discussing it. "It's an early seedin' now mark my words," said Troutt, as he threw his knife into the soft ground at his feet.

"Well, Daly, we'd better be steppin' home wid ourselves as wise as we come, as the man said when he'd axed his road of the ould black horse in the dark lane. There's no good goin' further, for the whole gang of them's scattered over the counthry agin now like a seedin' thistle in a high win'." "Ay bedad," said Constable Daly, "and be the same token, this win' ud skin a tanned elephant.

"My old man started off this mornin' befo' day, an' soon ez he got out o' sight down the Simpkinsville road, I struck out for Washin'ton, an' here I am. He thinks I'm home seedin' raisins. He was out by starlight this mornin' with the big wagon, an', of co'se, I know what that means.

Well they're leveling off the yards around 'em, and seedin' 'em to grass. Fact! I see it myself. And 'nother thing. They're filling up that old flat-iron place, where we used to cart rubbish to, and hauling trees to set out as they get it leveled down. If 'twa'n't perfectly ridiculous I'd say 'twas to be a park just imagine a park!"

And it wuz three days before Thanksgivin' I sot in my clean, cheerful-lookin' kitchen seedin' some raisins for the fruit cake, Josiah bein' out to the barn killin' two fat pullets for the chicken pie.

Patches of green grass, appearing on the sunny side of the road where the snow had melted, led to predictions of spring from the loafers beginning to sun themselves on the salt-barrels and shoe-boxes outside the stores. A group sitting about the blacksmith shop were talking it. "It's an early seedin' now mark my words," said Troutt, as he threw his knife into the soft ground at his feet.

"Makes you feel as the sun don't jest rise and set on your own p'tickler patch o' ploughin'. Makes you feel you're kind o' like a grain o' wheat at seedin' time. I allow a man don't amount to a heap noways." Rosebud turned on him with a bright smile in her wonderful eyes. "That depends, Seth. I should say a man is as he chooses to make himself.

"Guess she's goin' to give you the sack, and she's brought him out to do the seedin'." "Too good to be true," sighed the young man mournfully. "'Most likely it's an implement agent. The Woman's always buyin' something new made o' wheels." "She'll be gettin' a machine to wind you up and set you goin' at four in the mornin'," said Duke comfortingly.