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This I was most willing to do, if I could have done it honestly; for, having but little of the hunting 'furore' in my composition, I always preferred eating the game to killing it. Sulphur is the remedy most admired, and I remember Sechele giving a large price for a very small bit.

The usurper was put to death; and Sechele, reinstated in his chieftainship, felt much attached to Sebituane. The circumstances here noticed ultimately led me, as will be seen by-and-by, into the new, well-watered country to which this same Sebituane had preceded me by many years.

Moffat, he pushed still farther into the country, and attached himself to the band of Sechele, chief of the Bakwains, or "Alligators", a Bechuana tribe.

The crime of cattle-stealing, of which we hear so much near Caffreland, was never alleged against these people, and, if a single case had occurred when I was in the country, I must have heard of it, and would at once say so. But the only crime imputed in the papers was that "Sechele was getting too saucy."

The next time the offense was repeated, Sechele told me he was going to hunt elephants; and as I knew the system of espionage which prevails among all the tribes, I never made inquiries that would convey the opinion that I distrusted them. I gave credit to his statement. He asked the loan of a black-metal pot to cook with, as theirs of pottery are brittle.

The only avowed cause of dislike was expressed by a very influential and sensible man, the uncle of Sechele. You see we never get rain, while those tribes who never pray as we do obtain abundance."

"Well," he said, "you beat me then, and I am content." Parting with Sechele at the ford, as he was eager to visit Lechulatebe, we went along the northern woody bank of the Zouga with great labor, having to cut down very many trees to allow the wagons to pass. Our losses by oxen falling into pitfalls were very heavy.

The Bakwain Country Study of the Language Native Ideas regarding Comets Mabotsa Station A Lion Encounter Virus of the Teeth of Lions Names of the Bechuana Tribes Sechele His Ancestors Obtains the Chieftainship His Marriage and Government The Kotla First public Religious Services Sechele's Questions He Learns to Read Novel mode for Converting his Tribe Surprise at their Indifference Polygamy Baptism of Sechele Opposition of the Natives Purchase Land at Chonuane Relations with the People Their Intelligence Prolonged Drought Consequent Trials Rain-medicine God's Word blamed Native Reasoning Rain-maker Dispute between Rain Doctor and Medical Doctor The Hunting Hopo Salt or animal Food a necessary of Life Duties of a Missionary.

Macheng, the heir, who had been detained captive for sixteen years, was called, and Moselekatse addressing him said: "Macheng, man of Moffat, go with your father. We have arranged respecting you. Moffat will take you back to Sechele. That is my wish as well as his, that you should be in the first instance restored to the chief from whom you were taken in war.

If Moffat were not of God, he would not have espoused the cause of Sechele, in receiving his words, and delivering Macheng from the dwelling-place of the beasts of prey, to which we Bechwanas dared not approach. There are those who contend that there is nothing in religion. Let such to-day throw away their unbelief.