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If it is intended to keep the stock for some days, no vegetables should be added, as vegetable juices ferment very easily. For clear soups they must be cooked with the meat; and directions will be given under that head for amounts and seasonings.

He borrowed freely for the adornment of his discourse, and did not scorn to make use of what may be called LIVE QUOTATIONS, that is to say, the unpublished remarks of his near contemporaries, caught in friendly conversation, or handed down by oral tradition. But these various seasonings did not disguise, they only enhanced, the delicate flavour of the dish which he served up to his readers.

Fine wines and imported liquors entered into sauces and seasonings. The boy's playroom was a veritable toy-shop, with its hundreds of useless and unused playthings. Long before any capacity for understanding enjoyment had come, this unfortunate child had lost all love for the simple. With Mrs. Abbott, it was always "the best that money can buy" unwittingly, the worst for her child's character.

But all persons who would to a certainty preserve their health and faculties, and live out the natural term of life, should use plain food, as all high seasonings and compound mixtures, have an injurious effect, sooner or later, on the strongest constitutions.

In my opinion, it's better for Christians of a mean Fortune to marry with the Civiliz'd Indians, than to suffer the Hardships of four or five years Servitude, in which they meet with Sickness and Seasonings amidst a Crowd of other Afflictions, which the Tyranny of a bad Master lays upon such poor Souls, all which those acquainted with our Tobacco Plantations are not Strangers to.

Having been frozen and a little sweetened in their winter and watery wanderings, we found them more palatable than when cooked. I know not why, yet a country boy prefers the raw and wild flavor far more than the condiments and seasonings of cookery.

Put the sugar in the soup kettle, add the onion, sliced, and shake until the onion is thoroughly browned and the sugar almost burned; add the meat, shake it for a moment, and add the water. Cover, bring to boiling point, and put over a slow fire to simmer for two hours. Add all the seasonings and simmer one hour longer. Strain through a colander, pressing the meat.

If care is taken in this particular, and suitable seasonings are used, few who know anything of cooking should go astray. Chopped meat also may be cooked in a casserole and this utensil is particularly useful for the purpose, because the food is served in the same dish in which it is cooked and may easily be kept hot, a point which is important with chopped meats, which usually cool rapidly.

Add the seasonings to the stock or bouillon, bring to a boil, add the gelatin, and if not clear, clarify with the white of an egg. Add the juice of a lemon and strain. Take small oblong china or tin molds, garnish the bottoms with fancy bits of good red pepper and chopped truffles, baste over a little of the hot aspic, and let them stand until very cold.

Return to the stew-pan, and for one and one-half pints of turnips add one teaspoon of salt, one-fourth teaspoon of pepper, one tablespoon of butter, and four tablespoons of water. Cook over a very hot fire until the turnips have absorbed all the seasonings. Serve at once.