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Wait for me in the first inn on the left-hand side of the street, and be sure I shall come in due season. I require a good night's rest in a good bed; and Providence will get me one somewhere, but I must sleep without fear of being disturbed, and in your company that would be out of the question.

After passing this place we came to a deep gully that led towards a mountain near a volcano and, as I conceived that in the rainy season very great torrents of water must pass through it, we hoped to find sufficient for our use remaining in some holes of the rocks; but after all our search the whole that we collected was only nine gallons.

"All he'd have to do would be to quit the boy while he was asleep. A tenderfoot would die of thirst over there in a short time." "Is there no water?" "There's a tenaja they're depending on. But I doubt if they find any water there now. It's been an extra dry season." "A tenaja?" queried the Ad-Visor. "Rock-basin holding rainwater," explained the hunter. "There's been no rainfall since August.

Yet, as the season was exceedingly cold, even accompanied with strong frost, and as wood could not be procured for making fires, and provisions were scarce, it was impossible to remain long in a state of inaction.

Even the mountain grasses, for which Switzerland is so justly celebrated, grew thin and wiry; and by the time the travellers reached the circular basin at the foot of the peak of Vélan, which is called La Plaine de Prou, there only remained, in the most genial season of the year, and that in isolated spots between the rocks, a sufficiency of nourishment for the support of a small flock of adventurous, nibbling, and hungry goats.

An agent from the London opera has offered me twenty thousand francs for the season in London this spring." "Twenty thousand francs!" I cried, in amazement. "You must be dreaming, Nino. That is just about seven times what I earn in a year with my professorship and my writing." "No dreams, caro mio. I have the offer in my pocket."

French Stewed Rabbits. Skin and clean the rabbits; cut into pieces at the joints; season well. Heat 2 tablespoonfuls of drippings in a stew-pan; add the rabbits, 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic sliced fine, 1 bay-leaf, 2 sprigs of parsley and thyme. Let all brown a few minutes; then add 1 cup of hot water and cook slowly until tender.

It was evidently an out-of-door poem and so the editor put it in the midsummer number, when you might cross the ferry a hundred times without seeing a single gull. They do not begin to come to town until October; and it is well on into November before their social season begins.

For one thing that mountain has a great name; for another it looks inaccessible. And it had only been done once that year. If I did it I should be the first Englishman on the summit for the season. And the guides were doubtful whether it would "go." But, after all, was it not said by folks who climbed to the Schwartzsee that the mountain was really easy?

Mark, if we can keep her afloat, even where she is. The water that's in her will last us two a twelvemonth, if we are a little particular about it; and when the rainy season sets in, as the rainy season will be sure to do in this latitude, we can fill up for a fresh start. Then the ship will be a house for us to live in, and a capital good house, too.