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Searles decided next morning that after a short ride through Harrisville he would continue his journey through the States to California, and possibly to Australia, where he had another important interest to attend to in behalf of a London client.

She saw me; there was a fleeting flash of recognition in her eyes, and then she turned toward Arrowsmith. She drew nearer; her gaze met mine squarely, but now without a sign to indicate that she had ever seen me before. She passed on, talking with greatest animation to Arrowsmith. "Well, remember me to Searles if you write him," I heard Forsythe saying.

They are all of living species; at least only one univalve, Paludina lenta, has any, and that a very doubtful, claim to be regarded as extinct. Of the marine shells, 124 in number, about 18 per cent are extinct, according to the latest estimate given me by Mr. Searles Wood; but, for reasons presently to be mentioned, this percentage must be only regarded as provisional.

The prevalence of salt-water remains is most conspicuous in some of the central parts of the formation. Helix labyrinthica, Say. Neritina concava, Sowerby. Lymnea caudata, Edw. Cerithium concavum, Sowerby. Searles Wood in Hordwell Cliff. It is also met with in Headon Hill, in the same beds.

Whereupon he pulled from his pocket a cablegram, to make himself doubly sure that his was not a fool's errand, and again read it in audible tones: London, May 24, 18 . Col. Reuben Harris, Hotel Waldorf, New York. Hugh Searles, our agent, sails May twenty-fifth on Majestic. Meet him at Hotel Waldorf, New York. Guerney & Barring.

Recognizing at once that any attempt at ingratiation would fail with this man, I entered at once upon my errand by asking a question direct enough to command his attention, if it did not insure the desired reply. "Mr. Searles, when you purchased the house on Franklin Street, did you know enough about it to have an answer ready for any one who might declare it haunted?"

"Yes," replied Colonel Harris, "in early days, Americans doubtless lacked appreciation of art, but we always gave our cousins across-sea a warm reception." "Colonel Harris," said Mr. Searles, "it has always puzzled me to understand why you should have built near Boston the Bunker Hill Monument." "Mr. Searles, because we Americans whipped the British."

Please ask Harkaway & Stein and anybody else on Broadway who might know what companies are on coast or headed that way. I find no clew in theatrical papers and don't want to mess things by making inquiries direct. If party can be located, will start West immediately. The thought of Searles was comforting, and I reproached myself for not having summoned him at the beginning of my perplexities.

The dinner over, a half-hour was spent with music and magazines, and the party retired for the night. Breakfast was served as the Express approached Lake Erie. It was agreed that Mr. Searles should accompany Mrs. Eastlake and Gertrude in the car "Alfonso," and spend a day or two at Niagara Falls.

Hugh Searles at the station, the latter, under the circumstances, being the last person he cared to see. The carriage was driven at once to Reuben Harris's beautiful home that overlooked Harrisville and blue Lake Erie. After dinner Colonel Harris explained to Mr. Searles all about the inopportune strike; also that it was impossible to say when the steel plant would be started again. Mr.