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Violence, tragedy of all kinds, were too commonplace in that neighborhood to cause more than a slight ripple. An old scrubwoman would have had to die in some peculiarly awful way to receive the flattery of agitating an agitated street. Mrs. Reardon had died what was really almost a natural death. So the faint disturbance of the terrors of life had long since disappeared.

I keep the lights burning bright. I welcome the bride and groom to their little home ja." A quick glance of suspicion shot from Mary's blue eyes. Could it be possible that this forlorn scrubwoman would carry her hostility to her lover to the same point of ungracious refusal to witness the ceremony? It was nonsense, of course. Ella would feel out of place in the minister's parlor, that was all.

Hear this in confirmation: I suppose 1,000 English women have been to see me as a last hope to ask me to have inquiries made in Germany about their "missing" sons or husbands, generally sons. They are of every class and rank and kind, from marchioness to scrubwoman.

Only I'm afraid that I am not quite what you would have me. I'm afraid that I might sometimes do things that would remind you that I had been only a scrubwoman. I'm afraid that some day you might regret. Were I to answer you now, I should answer you selfishly so, please, you must give me time to think, for both our sakes.

"Tell 'em to see an undertaker." "Cut 'em all out," went on Jacob. "I've quit being a good thing. I need every dollar I can scrape or save. I want you to write to the directors of every company that I'm interested in and recommend a 10 per cent. cut in salaries. And say I noticed half a cake of soap lying in a corner of the hall as I came in. I want you to speak to the scrubwoman about waste.

She realised that the end was near, and humoured him in his idea of returning before it was too late to "the old country." One day when he had asked her again if she had got the tickets, and then turned his face to the wall to cough, she said to herself, "Good-night shirt." But most of the discourse of my scrubwoman is cheerful.

He awoke before they set out; all the way home he alternately slept and tried to make love to her. "I'm almost as strong as he is. I managed to keep him away while I drove such a rickety buggy. I didn't feel like a girl; I felt like a scrubwoman no, I guess I was too scared to have any feelings at all. It was terribly dark. I got home, somehow.

I even lounged into the Casino, tried the door at which I had knocked the night before, and, finding it locked and the scrubwoman suspicious, strolled out carelessly into the garden, and, sitting down under the palms, tried to pick out the windows that opened into the gaming-room. But they were all alike, with pots of flowers blooming in each.

But a bad play one that to the unsophisticated theater-usher or to the manager's scrubwoman must perforce appear as such experiences no such fate. This is one of the marvels of theaterdom. In the case of "Mademoiselle Marni" Miss Bingham herself must have spent an enormous sum that she would probably have hesitated to invest in some enterprise sane or possible.

Policemen and trolley-car conductors have great social value. Rustic ferry-men are very attractive intellectually. But for a feast of reason and a flow of soul I know of no society at all comparable to that of scrubwomen. It is possible that you do not cultivate scrubwomen. That is your misfortune. Let me tell you about my scrubwoman.