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"Weep!" exclaimed Wilfred, "every time one sees a fellow screwy in the street." "Perhaps the angels do," murmured Clement. "Come, Master Wilfred, you have expressed your opinions sufficiently to-night," said the General. "Suppose you and Fergus walk home together. A nasty low place as ever I saw. I have a mind to tell the Mayor about it." Gerald said

"He can't control, so we'll push him down close to the ground before we go to work on him so we don't have so far to fall if anything goes screwy with the works. Here's hoping nothing gives away!"

I think I'll turn in my badge I've cocked our perfect curve already, before we got to the first check-station!" His hands moved toward the controls, to correct their course and acceleration. "As you were hold everything! Lay off those controls!" snapped the computer. "There's something screwy, just as I thought and it isn't you, either.

"I've heard that big fellow knows more about a rocket deck than McKenny." "Yeah, that's true," said Tom, "but " "You know, Corbett," said Dixon, switching off the story spool, "there's something screwy in that outfit of yours." "You can say that again," agreed Tom bitterly. "You come in here with a face dragging on the floor, and Manning " Tom's head jerked up. "Manning!

As he was about to buzz for the next applicant, the door burst open and Roger came into the room. The blond-haired cadet's lips were pulled tight in a grim line. "There's something rocket-blasting screwy around here, Tom!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean?" asked Tom. "I just rejected a real low-down space crawler a guy named Tad Winters." "Yes?" Tom was alert, anticipating Roger's answer.

"For Martha's sake, I want it his way," she said. "All right. Then that's the way we'll have it," said Tim Fisher. He eyed James somewhat ruefully. "You know, it's a funny thing. I've always thought this was a screwy set-up, and to be honest, I've always thought you were a pretty bumptious kid. I guess you had a good reason.

Poor Screwy was the goose, and certainly got the sauce best suited to him when he was turned adrift out of the Civil Service. Charley was the gander, and fond as I am of him for his many excellent qualities, I am fain to own that justice might fairly have demanded that he should be cooked after the same receipt.

To a scrimpy and screwy man, of the type most abundant, such a position would have done a deal of harm, shutting him up into his own shell harder, and flinting its muricated horns against the world.

"Living with a miserable screwy miser like you would make a saint drink! Do you think people will serve you for nothing, and not pay themselves somehow? The likes of you are born to be robbed and may your last crust be stole from you, you old skinflint!" With this last defiance, she turned and threw herself hastily into the cab, which crawled away as if horse and driver were equally rheumatic.

"Anyway, with the newly elected board of directors, things will be different for everybody. You took a long gamble." "Not so long. Not when you knew what they wanted to hear. It just took a little timing." "Still, I didn't think they'd elect you secretary of the union. It just doesn't figure." Walter Towne chuckled. "Doesn't it? I don't know. Everything's been a little screwy since the switchover.