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And now, as he sat there, pencil in hand, adding up the score-cards, he remembered that he was to interview his attorney that evening at his own house a late appointment, but necessary to insure the presence of one or two physicians at a consultation to definitely decide what course of action might be taken.

The match was to be at one-hundred balls sixty singles, and twenty pairs of doubles. Early in the game the different shooters began roughly to group themselves on the score-cards according to their ability. One class, among whom were Newmark and Kincaid, continued to break their targets with unvarying accuracy.

All round the arena rose the cries of itinerant merchants: 'Iced malvoisie, 'Score-cards; ye cannot tell the jousters without a score-card. All was revelry and excitement. A hush fell on the throng. From either end of the arena a mounted knight in armour had entered. The herald raised his hand. 'Ladeez'n gemmen! Battling Galahad and Agravaine the Dolorous.

There were flowers still to arrange; there was the mild punch that Santa Paloma affected at card parties to be finished; there was candy to be put about on the tables, in little silver dishes; and new packs of cards, and pencils and score-cards to be scattered about. And in the kitchen But Mrs. Carew's heart failed at the thought. True, her own two maids were being helped out to-day by Mrs.