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For the last two years he had been working in publishers' offices, and knew three European languages well, though he had told Raskolnikov six days before that he was "schwach" in German with an object of persuading him to take half his translation and half the payment for it. He had told a lie then, and Raskolnikov knew he was lying.

'die Kraft ist schwach, allein die Lust ist gross, as Mephistopheles says." "Ah, you are a student of Goethe. Young ladies are so advanced now. I suppose you have read everything." "No, really. I shall be so glad if you will tell me what to read. I have been looking into all the books in the library at Offendene, but there is nothing readable. The leaves all stick together and smell musty.

The writings of the three celebrated lyric patriots, Schwach, Bjerregaard and Hansen, will not bear to have the blaze of European experience cast upon them; their tapers dwindle to sparks in the light of day. They gratified the vanity of the first generation after 1815, but they deserve no record in the chronicles of poetic art.

He was now no longer able to compose, and to his last unfinished quartette he added a few bars of "Der Greis," as a conclusion: "Hin ist alle meine Kraft: Alt und schwach bin ich. "Gone is all my strength: old and weak am I." And these lines he caused to be engraved, and sent on a card to the friends who visited him. The end was indeed now near.