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Nor did the rapid improvement of her associates in this elegant accomplishment, under her teaching and example, escape the notice of their fond parents and of their townsmen, and "The way that tall schoolmarm rides is wonderful!" was spoken by many an observer, and many a young woman envied the proud troop "their chance to learn how to ride a-horseback."

Was this not the headquarters of the Bear Creek schoolmarm? "Why, aren't you going to do it in pencil first?" she exclaimed, looking up from her vacant sheet. His pen was moving slowly, but steadily. "No, I don't reckon I need to," he answered, with his nose close to the paper. "Oh, damnation, there's a blot!" He tore his spoiled beginning in small bits, and threw them into the fireplace.

But there it was! he had spoken; he had given them a peep through the key-hole at his inner man; and as he prowled away from the assemblage before whom he stood convicted of decency, it was vicious rather than virtuous that he felt. Other matters also disquieted him so Lin McLean was hanging round that schoolmarm! Yet he joined Ben Swinton in a seemingly Christian spirit.

Moreover, for the first time he detected in her a slight tone of the 'schoolmarm' didactic and self-satisfied, without knowledge. The measure Madame de Pastourelles had dealt out to him, he in some sort avenged on Phoebe. At the same time there were much more serious causes of difference. Each had a secret from the other.

Belloc. "You mustn't weaken me," cried Mildred. "You mustn't encourage me to be a coward and to shirk. That's why I'm coming here." "I understand," said Mrs. Belloc. "I've got the New England streak of hardness in me, though I believe that masseuse has almost ironed it out of my face. Do I look like a New England schoolmarm?" Mildred could truthfully answer that there wasn't a trace of it.

Next day was Sunday. At breakfast the schoolmarm asked Ajax if there was likely to be a prayer-meeting. "A prayer-meeting, Miss Buchanan?" "It's the Sabbath, you know." "Yes er so it is. Well, you see," he smiled feebly, "the cathedral isn't built yet." "Why, what's the matter with the schoolhouse? I presume you're all church-members?"

Before he had shaken her off, the runaway was a hundred yards down the road galloping for dear life. Dave raised his gun. Beulah struck the barrel down with her quirt. He lowered the rifle, turned to her, and smiled. His grin was rueful but friendly. "You're a right enterprising young lady for a schoolmarm, but I wouldn't have shot Chet, anyhow. The circumstances don't warrant it."

"I shall always be a schoolmarm, I imagine." "Indeed you won't," indignantly. "I have too high an opinion of men for that." She smiled again, seemed about to speak, and then to change her mind. An instant later she said, "I must go in now. But I shall hope to see you again before I go back to the city. And, after your secret is out and the engagement is announced, I want to write Madeline, may I?"

So he answered, "With pleasure." The two visitors bowed, and Miss Pillbody bent her head gracefully toward Mr. Overtop. "What do you think of the schoolmarm?" asked Tiffles, when they had got into the street. Overtop did not like the phrase "schoolmarm." "I think Miss Pillbody," said he, "is a sensible woman."

Only one event in his life had eclipsed this in happiness the interview in front of the White House. He rapped on the window with his stick, thereby frightening Cynthia half out of her wits as she sat musing sorrowfully by the fire. "Cousin Ephraim," she said, taking off his corded hat, "what in the world's the matter with you?" "You're a schoolmarm again, Cynthy." "Do you mean to say?"