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Brief, and the rest of you have been cast into the crucible, and I have tried to approximate the result." "And are an Idiot," said the School-Master. "It is your own name for me, gentlemen," returned the Idiot. "I presume you have recognized your composite self, and have chosen the title accordingly."

After he left the parlour, the discussion of his fate was resumed and finally settled between his grandmother and the school-master.

"Why, bless my soul! Chad why, boy! How you have grown!" For Chad had grown, and his face was curiously aged and thoughtful. The Major insisted on taking him home, and the school-master, too, who went reluctantly. Miss Lucy was there, looking whiter and more fragile than ever, and she greeted Chad with a sweet kindliness that took the sting from his unjust remembrance of her.

What he impressed upon the children, first and last, was love, and he practiced it himself, so that the children clung to him as to a playmate and father in one. Such was the history of the school-master, and so deeply did it root itself in Oyvind's mind that it became both religion and education for him.

But this is the old revived newly revived; this is the revival of learning in whose stimulus the new is beginning. There is something in the field besides that. There is a 'school-master abroad' yet, that has not been examined. These young men who have resolved themselves in their secret sittings into a committee of the whole, are going to have him up.

"That is a good book you are holding in your hands." "It is not bad. How often have you gone beyond the cover, Ole?" "Why, of late, I" The school-master lays aside the book and puts away his spectacles. "Things are not going as you wish to have them, Ole?" "They have not done so as far back as I can remember." "Ah, so it was with me for a long time.

First, the Major said, he would go by the old University and leave word with the faculty for the school-master when he should come there to matriculate; and so, at a turnstile that led into a mighty green yard in the middle of which stood a huge gray mass of stone, the carriage stopped, and the Major got out and walked through the campus and up the great flight of stone steps and disappeared.

Behind them slouched Tall Tom with his rifle and Dolph and Rube, each with a huge old-fashioned horse-pistol swinging from his right hip. Last strode the school-master. The cabin was left deserted the hospitable door held closed by a deer-skin latch caught to a wooden pin outside. It was a strange humiliation to Jack thus to be led along the highway, like a criminal going to the gallows.

"He will; he must," answered the curate. "He always reminds me of the young man who had kept the law, and whom our Lord loved. Surely he must have been one of the first that came and laid his wealth at the apostles' feet! May not even that half of the law which Faber tries to keep, be school-master enough to lead him to Christ? But come, Miss Meredith; now for our mathematics!"

The highest is seven pounds, paid by a farmer, whose son goes yearly on foot to Aberdeen for education, and in summer returns, and acts as a school-master in Col. Dr Johnson said, 'There is something noble in a young man's walking two hundred miles and back again, every year, for the sake of learning. This day a number of people came to Col, with complaints of each others' trespasses.