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She knew she was going to sing well, she wished to sing well but not in order to punish Miss Schley for having punished Fritz. Was everything she did to accomplish some sordid result?

Miss Schley glanced up into Lady Holme's eyes. "I hoped to make the acquaintance of Lord Holme to-night," she murmured. "Folks tell me he's a most beautiful man. Isn't he anywhere around?" She looked away into vacancy, ardently. Lady Holme felt a slight tingling sensation in her cool skin.

Instead of striving to close in on the Spaniards, Schley headed straight for that point,—took the shortest cut for it, so to speak,—and in that way drew steadily ahead of the Colon, leaving to the Oregon and Texas the task of holding the Spaniards from turning out across the Brooklyn’s stern. “It was a splendid piece of strategy, well worthy of the gallant officer, and it won.

It has been said that Schley, being ordered to Key West when Cervera appeared in Cuban waters, "proceeded to Cienfuegos, which was thought to be the destination of the Spanish warships.

Lady Holme took an airy leave of everybody. When she came to Pimpernel Schley she said: "I wish you a great success, Miss Schley." "Many thanks," drawled the vestal virgin, who was still looking into her coffee cup. "I must come to your first night. Have you ever acted in London?" "Never." "You won't be nervous?" "Nervous! Don't know the word." She bent to sip her coffee.

Whether this moment was going to be tiresome or not she could not yet decide. The Wolfstein party had come in at the same time as the Leo Ulfords, and the box opposite presented an interesting study of Jewish types. For Mrs. Wolfstein and "Henry" were accompanied by four immensely rich compatriots, three of whom were members of the syndicate that was "backing" Miss Schley.

"Be yourself, be the woman who sings, and no one not even a fool will ever say again that you resemble a nonentity like Miss Schley. You see you see now that even socially it is a mistake not to be your real self. You can be imitated by a cute little Yankee who has neither imagination nor brains, only the sort of slyness that is born out of the gutter." "My dear Robin, remember where we are.

The smart Americans were busily saying to everyone, "Didn't we say so?" The whole house was awake. Miss Schley might not be much of an actress. Numbers of people were already bustling about to say that she could not act at all. But she had banished dulness. She had shut the yawning lips, and stopped that uneasy cough which is the expression of the relaxed mind rather than of the relaxed throat.

The blockading fleet, under command of Commodore Schley, off Santiago de Cuba, was composed of the Brooklyn, Iowa, Massachusetts, Texas, New Orleans, Marblehead, and Vixen.

Wolfstein, with her strongest accent, while Miss Schley put out a limp hand to meet Lady Holme's and very slightly accentuated her smile. "Your mother? I shall be delighted to meet her. I hope you'll bring her one day," said Lady Holme; thinking more emphatically than ever that for a woman with a complexion as perfect as hers it was a mistake to wear many jewels.