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It occurs as metallic arsenic, which is of a steel-grey colour, brittle, and gives off a garlic-like odour when heated; as arsenious acid; in the form of two sulphides the red sulphide, or realgar, and the yellow sulphide, or orpiment; and as arsenite of copper, or Scheele's green. It also exists as an impurity in the ores of several metals iron, copper, silver, tin, zinc, nickel, and cobalt.

But not to be confined to that alone, for you must know I have a book for the pocket,* which I always carry with me, into which I have extracted the essence of Fourcroy's Lectures, Black on Quicklime, Scheele's Essays, Watson's Essays, and various points from the letters of my respected friend Dr. Irving.* So much for chemistry.

Gas-light green is a lovely green, and free from all danger, and is fortunately superseding the Scheele's green both in dresses and in worsted work. I should advise my fair reader, when she selects green as her colour, always to choose the gas-light green, and to wear and to use for worsted work no other green besides, unless it be imperial green.

To be sure, lime had been used with fair success previous to Tennant's discovery, but successful and practical bleaching by a solution of chloride of lime was first made possible by him and through Scheele's discovery of chlorine.

Confectionery is often poisoned with Prussian-blue, Antwerp-blue, gamboge, ultramarine, chrome yellow, red-lead, white-lead, vermilion, Brunswick-green, and Scheele's green, or arsenite of copper! Never buy any confectionery that is colored or painted. Vinegar is made of whisky, or of oil of vitriol. Pickles have verdigris in them to make them a pretty green.

But although Scheele first pointed out the bleaching quality of his newly discovered gas, it was the French savant, Berthollet, who, acting upon Scheele's discovery that the new gas would decolorize vegetables and flowers, was led to suspect that this property might be turned to account in destroying the color of cloth.

It is injurious to wear a green dress, if the colour have been imparted to it by means of Scheele's green, which is arsenite of copper a deadly poison. I have known the arsenic to fly off from a green dress in the form of powder, and to produce, in consequence, ill-health.

Painted toys are, many of them, highly dangerous, those painted green especially, as the colour generally consists of Scheele's green arsenite of copper.

=Prussic Acid= is the most active of poisons. The diluted hydrocyanic acid of the Pharmacopoeia contains 2 per cent. of hydrocyanic acid, Scheele's 4 per cent. It is a colourless liquid, feebly acid, with odour of bitter almonds. =Cyanide of Potassium= is largely used in photography and in electro-plating, and is also poisonous.