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The gray-haired leech and antiquary, Hartmann Schedel, whom Herr Wilibald, spite of the gout which sometimes forced a slight grimace to distort his smooth-shaven, clever, almost over-plump face, led by the arm like a careful son, resembled, with his long, silver locks, a patriarch or an apostle.

Collocutores itinerantes Tuscus et Remus, Romæ in Campo Floræ, 1497. See the author's essay, Das Archiv der Notare des Capitols in Rom, and the protocol-book of the Notary Camillus de Beneimbene, 1457 to 1505. Proceedings of k. bayr. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München, 1872. Part iv. In the Codex Hartmann Schedel in the state library of Munich.

This interpolated passage of Schedel was likewise inserted into the work De Europa sub Frederico III of AEneas Silvius, afterwards Pope Pius II, who died in 1464, long before the voyage in question.

The feather-curler shook his head as if something marvellous had happened when he heard the ambassador of the Honourable Council of his own native city, the distinguished Herr Lienhard Groland, say to old Doctor Schedel: "I will wait here with you, my venerable friend. Since the poor girl can live only a few hours longer, I can join the others, if I hurry, before they leave Frankfort."

This frightened him, and instead of continuing to boast of his success, he called for help. The Nuremberg gentlemen soon surrounded Kuni, and Doctor Hartmann Schedel told the waiter to carry her, with the aid of his assistants, summoned by his shout, into the house and provide her with a comfortable bed.

The assertion that Behem had discovered the western world previous to Columbus, in the course of the voyage with Cam, was founded on a misinterpretation of a passage interpolated in the chronicle of Hartmann Schedel, a contemporary writer.

The gray-haired leech and antiquary, Hartmann Schedel, whom Herr Wilibald, spite of the gout which sometimes forced a slight grimace to distort his smooth-shaven, clever, almost over-plump face, led by the arm like a careful son, resembled, with his long, silver locks, a patriarch or an apostle.

The gray-haired leech and antiquary, Hartmann Schedel, whom Herr Wilibald, spite of the gout which sometimes forced a slight grimace to distort his smooth-shaven, clever, almost over-plump face, led by the arm like a careful son, resembled, with his long, silver locks, a patriarch or an apostle.

This frightened him, and instead of continuing to boast of his success, he called for help. The Nuremberg gentlemen soon surrounded Kuni, and Doctor Hartmann Schedel told the waiter to carry her, with the aid of his assistants, summoned by his shout, into the house and provide her with a comfortable bed.

Little Doctor Eberbach started up in affright, Hans von Obernitz, the Nuremberg magistrate, grasped the hilt of his sword, but Doctor Schedel instantly perceived that the sound which reached his aged ears was nothing but a violent, long-repressed fit of coughing. He and the other gentlemen were gazing at the oleander tree whence, before any one approached it, a groan of pain was heard.