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So it chanced that Carol Kennicott and Bea Sorenson were viewing Main Street at the same time. Bea had never before been in a town larger than Scandia Crossing, which has sixty-seven inhabitants. As she marched up the street she was meditating that it didn't hardly seem like it was possible there could be so many folks all in one place at the same time. My!

She found a maid plump radiant Bea Sorenson from Scandia Crossing. Bea was droll in her attempt to be at once a respectful servant and a bosom friend. They laughed together over the fact that the stove did not draw, over the slipperiness of fish in the pan. Like a child playing Grandma in a trailing skirt, Carol paraded uptown for her marketing, crying greetings to housewives along the way.

It had been shifted into the huge cradle of steel beams from which it was to be launched. Men swarmed about it and over it, in and out of the launching cage, checking and rechecking every possible thing that could make for the success of its flight to space. The other three crew-members were ready Haney and Chief Bender and Mike Scandia.

It would take years to get acquainted with them all. And swell people, too! A fine big gentleman in a new pink shirt with a diamond, and not no washed-out blue denim working-shirt. And the stores! Not just three of them, like there were at Scandia Crossing, but more than four whole blocks!

"And thanks." A brittle voice sounded somewhere around Haney's knees. Joe looked down, startled. The midget he'd seen up on the Platform nodded up at him. He'd squirmed through the press in Haney's wake. He seemed to bristle a little out of pure habit. Joe made room for him. "I'm okay," said the midget pugnaciously. Haney made a formal introduction. "Mike Scandia." He thumbed at Joe. "Joe Kenmore.

Here in the city there'd be lovely sermons, and church twice on Sunday, EVERY Sunday! And a movie show! A regular theater, just for movies. With the sign "Change of bill every evening." Pictures every evening! There were movies in Scandia Crossing, but only once every two weeks, and it took the Sorensons an hour to drive in papa was such a tightwad he wouldn't get a Ford.

Therefore the tribe, in full council, has decreed that your name shall be named at every tribal council of the Mohawks from this day to the end of time, as one the young braves would do well to copy in all ways. And the names of your friends Joe Kenmore, Mike Scandia, and Thomas Haney shall also be named as friends whose like all young braves should strive to seek out and to be."

Scandia and Scandinavia are only different forms of the same name, denoting the southernmost part of the peninsula, and still preserved in the name of the province of Scania in Sweden. Nerigon stands for Norway, the northern part of which is mentioned as an island by the name of Thule.

Joe fumbled in his pocket and brought out the yellow sheet. "I'd like to introduce my crew," said Joe. "This is Haney, and Chief Bender, and Mike Scandia." He waved his hand, and his whole body wobbled unexpectedly. "We'll know each other!" said Sanford sardonically. "Our first job is more futility to get the guided missiles you've brought us into the launching tubes. A lot of good they'll do!"

Pliny is the first author who names Scandinavia, which he represents as an island, the extent of which was not then known; but by Scandinavia there is reason to believe the present Scandia is meant. Denmark may probably be rcognised in the Dumnor of this author, and Norway in Noligen.