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Lane read in Bessy Bell then more of the truth of her than he had yet divined. Falsehood was naturally abhorrent to her. To lie to her parents or teachers savored of fun, and was part of the game. She did not want to lie to Lane, but in her code she could not betray another girl, especially to that girl's brother. "Daren, I promised I'd tell you all about myself," she said.

The immensity around him went unheeded as Steve Elbertson, eyes on Project Hot Rod, savored the power of the beam that could control Earth. In the observatory, Perk Kimball and his assistant Jerry Wallace were having coffee as the various electronic adjuncts to the instruments of the observatory warmed up.

It was a mesalliance of a sort that pricked him tenderly; it savored grossly of bargain and sale. His neighbors regarded it with disconcerting equanimity. They seemed to think an alliance with Northern millions an honor for Cresswell blood, and the Colonel thumped the nearer bale vigorously.

She had influenced Elmira to leave school the year before, that she might earn more, and thereby enable her brother to study longer, but he knew nothing of that. However, a plan which Jerome formed for some evening lessons with the school-master appeased her. It savored of a private tutor like Lawrence Prescott's.

The thought of such an attempt to muzzle the liberty of the press was rather an incentive than otherwise, for it savored of real adventure and indicated that a moral issue was involved. While he thus reflected he appeared not to have heard the observation.

"It may be so," said David; "but I have seen strange and fantastic images drawn in their paint, of which their admiration and care savored of spiritual pride; especially one, and that, too, a foul and loathsome object." "Was it a sarpent?" quickly demanded the scout. "Much the same. It was in the likeness of an abject and creeping tortoise."

Hitherto prudence had not been characteristic of Buonaparte: his escapades and disobedience had savored rather of recklessness. Like scores of others in his class, he had fully exploited the looseness of royal and early republican administration; his madcap and hotspur versatility distinguished him from his comrades not in the kind but in the degree of his bold effrontery.

"Won't you eat with me?" proffered the boy hospitably. But Thorpe declined. He could, however, see canned goods, hard tack, and condensed milk. In the course of the evening the boy approached the older man's camp, and, with a charming diffidence, asked permission to sit awhile at their fire. He was full of delight over everything that savored of the woods, or woodscraft.

With these words, which savored a little of jargon, Mejnour turned to lighter topics.

Which he did, and his going savored strongly of flight. Dill, looking after him queerly, turned and saw Mama Joy standing in the doorway. With eyes that betrayed her secret she, too, was looking after Billy. "There is something more I wanted to say to William," explained Dill quite unnecessarily, and went striding down the path after him.