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"Pardon me," said Grace, glancing up, then seized the girl by the arm. "Eleanor Savell," she exclaimed sternly. "You know where Anne's costumes are. Don't attempt to deny it." Eleanor looked contemptuously at Grace and tried to shake herself free, but Grace's grasp tightened. "Answer me," she said. "Where are they?" "Let me go," said Eleanor angrily. "You are hurting my arm.

For an elderly woman, she really is interesting." "We call her our fairy godmother," said Anne, "and love her so dearly that we never think of her as being old." There had been something about the careless words that jarred upon Anne. "Oh, I am sure she is all that is delightful," responded Miss Savell, quickly divining that Anne was not pleased at her remark. "I hope to know her better."

"Miss Savell," said the principal quietly, although her flashing eyes and set lips showed that she was very angry, "if you have that paper in your possession, bring it to me at once, and never answer me again as you did just now. You are both disrespectful and impertinent." But Miss Thompson's anger toward Eleanor was nothing compared with the tempest that the principal had aroused in Eleanor.

"'Yours sincerely, "'ELEANOR SAVELL." "Well, of all things!" exclaimed Nora O'Malley. "She says she is deeply insulted because we didn't invite her, but that she didn't intend to come, at any rate. There's a shining example of consistency for you!" "Who on earth told her about the meeting?" said Jessica. "We didn't wait to ask her to-day."

Grace thought "Phi Sigma Tau" would sound well. Aside from the social part, their chief object would be to keep a watchful eye open for girls in school who needed assistance of any sort. Mrs. Gray's anxiety over Eleanor Savell had set the bee in Grace's bonnet buzzing, and now her plans were practically perfected.

"Eleanor will be surprised to see us," remarked Grace, as she rang the bell. "Let's hope she will appreciate the honor of having four such distinguished persons descend upon her at one time," said Anne. "Is Miss Savell in?" asked Grace to the trim maid who answered her ring. "Yes, miss," replied the maid. "Come in. Who shall I say is here?"

With these words, Eleanor angrily flung the book she held on the desk and walked down the aisle toward the door, but Miss Thompson barred her way. "Stop, Miss Savell," she commanded. "You shall not leave this room until you have apologized to the girls whom you have unjustly accused and to me. I will not tolerate such behavior."

Look to your diet, sweet ROBIN! and hold up your heart in courage and virtue. Truly, great part of my comfort is in you! I know not myself what I meant by bravery in you; so greatly you may see I condemn you. Be careful of yourself, and I shall never have cares. I have written to Master SAVELL. I wish you kept still together. He is an excellent man.

I know her name is Savell and that she's a recent arrival in Oakdale, but considering the plain and uncomplimentary manner in which she addressed you, you must have seriously offended her ladyship." "I'll tell you about her as we walk along," replied Grace, wiping her eyes and smiling a little. "Yes, we had better be moving," said Julia. "The battle is over.

Basketball enthusiasm declined rapidly and a remarkable devotion to study ensued that lasted until examinations began. By the last week in January, the ordeal was past. Eleanor Savell had not yet returned to school. Whether or not she would be allowed to return was a question that occasioned a great deal of discussion among three lower classes of girls.