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You can quite see that he is not himself " The agent led her out upon the landing. "If you will undertake to get the order for us," he said confidentially, "I am empowered to offer you forty francs." Mme. Sauvage grew placable. "Very well, let me have your address," said she.

M. de Curel is more a thinker than a dramatist, as he has shown lately in the very original, interesting, impossible "Fille Sauvage." He grapples with serious matters seriously, and he argues well, with a closely woven structure of arguments; some of them bringing a kind of hard and naked poetry out of mere closeness of thinking and closeness of seeing.

She squirmed very gently, and poised upon one dainty foot, till her pretty hip curved outward; and she pecked at her little forefinger with her rosy mouth as she made this pretty speech: "I think I like the chief so much mademoiselle; I know he is brave, and I do not think that he is altogether un sauvage." "Oh! has my little Julie lost her heart? I hope your chief has left a little for me."

The son, whom I had once seen, was a tall, dry fellow who also passed for a fierce slayer of game. People called them "Les Sauvage." Was that a name or a nickname? I called to Serval. He came up with his long strides like a crane. I asked him: "What's become of those people?"

Elle me parut d'abord comme ces paysages sortis de l'imagination d'un peintre ou d'un poete, qui rassemble sous un coup d'oeil, tout ce que la campagne a de plus riant. Tout est neglige et naturel, champetre et meme un peu sauvage.

Mont-Valerien, its summit now enshrouded in smoke, still continued to thunder. Two soldiers took Morissot by the head and the feet; two others did the same with Sauvage. The bodies, swung lustily by strong hands, were cast to a distance, and, describing a curve, fell feet foremost into the stream. The water splashed high, foamed, eddied, then grew calm; tiny waves lapped the shore.

This is the first fine day of the year." The sky was, in fact, of a bright, cloudless blue. They walked along, side by side, reflective and sad. "And to think of the fishing!" said Morissot. "What good times we used to have!" "When shall we be able to fish again?" asked Monsieur Sauvage. They entered a small cafe and took an absinthe together, then resumed their walk along the pavement.

Have compassion on my weakness, or, if you have not, I will console myself with the idea that my meanness is only of the duration of half an hour, while its recompense-my rank-will be permanent." Mortier married, in 1799, the daughter of the landlord of the Belle Sauvage inn at Coblentz, who was pregnant by him, or by some other guest of her father.

The body is a stock size," he felt for the feet, and proceeded to take the measure "one metre seventy!" he added. "You will be thinking of ordering the funeral service at the church, sir, no doubt?" Schmucke looked at him as a dangerous madman might look before striking a blow. La Sauvage put in a word. "You ought to find somebody to look after all these things," she said.

I spent there a charming half-hour in the fading light, looking at the pictures while my companion discoursed of her errand. The studio is small and more like a little salon; the painting refined, imaginative, somewhat morbid, full of consummate French ability. A "Femme Sauvage," a naked dusky girl in a wood, with a wonderfully clever pair of shy, passionate eyes.