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"Did I engage to dance with all of you?" she said, giving her lily stem the sauciest little swing, which set all the bells ringing. "Well, I am not going to dance it with all." "Not with me?" the admirer with the fan whispered in her ear. She gave him the most delightful little look, just to make him believe she wanted to dance with him but really couldn't. Robin Goodfelllow saw her.

If you gave me the sauciest god that ever sat on a cloud or breakfasted with the Village Idiot 'pon my word, I shouldn't know what to do with him. I don't collect bric-a-brac myself, and the British Museum is dreadfully overstocked. Perhaps the Duchess could make some use of him, if he specialized in lace vestments and choral mass.

When they rode into the court at Dunstanwolde House, the lacqueys, seeing them, drew up in state about the entrance. "Look you," said, in an undertone to his fellow, one of the biggest and sauciest of them, "'tis her Grace of Osmonde who returns, and we may be a great Duke's servants if we carry ourselves with dignity."

In the midst is a dash of the rogue's heartiest laugh, amid the echoes of the fearful chord, while the growing roar of the mob can be heard below. Once again it rings out undaunted, and then to the sauciest of folk-tunes, leichtfertig, Till dances gaily and jauntily. Presently, in a mystic passage, schnell und schattenhaft

He lay and watched the slim green figure, the beautiful bright face, as it disappeared in a mellow flood of gaslight. The clear, sweet voice came floating saucily back: "And Charley he's my darling, My darling my darling, And Charley he's my darling, The young Chevalier!" All that was sauciest, and most coquettish in the girl's nature, came out with Charley.

She was in consequence notorious for being the sauciest craft afloat, and though "sauce" was to the naval officer what a red rag is to a bull, there were few in the service who did not think twice before attempting to violate the armed sanctity of the privateer.

Dropping the sauciest of curtsies in acknowledgment of the applause with which she is greeted, she replies in clear distinct tones, "Ladies and gentlemen, you find our word unintelligible.

He pressed a button, and the room sprang into more light, coming out pinkly and vividly the brocaded walls pliant to touch with every so often a gilt-framed engraving; a gilt table with an onyx top cheerfully cluttered with the sauciest short-story magazines of the month; a white mantelpiece with an artificial hearth and a pink-and-gilt chaise-longue piled high with small, lacy pillows, and a very green magazine open and face downward on the floor beside it.

It is a pleasure to turn to the end of the line, where the Dangur women and boys and girls generally take their place. Here are the loudest laughter, and the sauciest faces. The children are merry, chubby, fat things, with well-distended stomachs and pleasant looks; a merry smile rippling over their broad fat cheeks as they slyly glance up at you.

A cardinal bird one of the sauciest and most brilliant of his saucy and brilliant race, flitted about her as she sat upon a log. "You pretty thing!" crooned Nan. "If it were not wicked I'd wish to have you at home in a cage. I wish " She stopped, for in following the flight of the cardinal her gaze fastened upon a most surprising thing off at some distance from the sawdust road.