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Plain living, lots of exercise, sympathy, tact, and all the comforts of home! I've already got the promise of four, and there's a Russian Poodle, besides, and a dachshund, who are trying to make up their minds." "I wish I could have thought of anything so original," cried Sattie Felton mournfully. "It seems so commonplace just to work in papa's office for two weeks, doesn't it?"

She was a Southerner, and her French-Spanish blood betrayed itself in her grace, her slender hands and feet, and the type of her dark and unusual beauty. She was more a woman than either Dolly or Sattie, and the fact that Mr. Bassity was desperately in love with her fanned within her breast a wilful desire to torment him. "Let me think!" she said. "'Pon my soul!

" began that unfortunate young man, boisterously attempting to sway her judgment. "Hush!" exclaimed Sattie Felton. "She's thinking," said Miss Hemingway severely. Mr. Bassity noisily subsided. "I don't know whether it's worth while to forgive him," said Grace at last. "He's so incorrigible so wild and woolly that if you're nice to him he's like one of those dogs that want to jump all over you!"

"'Specially the way you'll work!" exclaimed Grace Sinclair. "I am going to help Miss Drayton in the filing department," said Sattie. "Put a letter from an F man into an F drawer, and from a G man into a G drawer, and from an H man into an H drawer, and from an I man into an I drawer " "Oh, stop!" cried Dolly Hemingway, warningly.

Dolly Hemingway, a handsome, fair-haired, imperious-looking girl, was lolling in a hammock, directing the deliberations of Sattie Felton, aged seventeen, who was sitting on the floor holding a dog's head in her lap, and of Grace Sinclair, aged twenty, who was in possession of a stool and a box of chocolate creams.

"Five dollars each, or fifty for a course of twelve," replied that reliable authority. "Diploma, elegantly tinted for framing, one dollar!" "It isn't too much, is it?" asked Sattie anxiously of Mr. Bassity. "I don't want to rob you, you know, and even half would be more than I could get by filing." "Oh, it's cheap," said Coal Oil Johnny, attempting to seem cheerful.

"And from a J man into a J drawer," continued Sattie drearily, "and from a K man into " The hurried passing of the chocolate creams in her direction brought about a welcome silence. "What's your plan, Miss Sinclair?" Inquired Mr. Bassity. "Oh, Grace has a snap," said Sattie in thick, chocolate-cream accents. "My Despardoux car!" exclaimed Grace.

The bulky young man halted, tried to find some reassurance in the no less chilling faces of Sattie Felton and Grace Sinclair, and then said, "How do you do!" in a voice of extreme dejection. "It is the custom here," said Dolly in cutting accents, "for a gentleman, when he calls upon a lady, to announce himself first at the door " "And be told she's out," said Mr. Bassity, timidly defiant.

Only you mustn't come round here next time demanding explanations. The next time will be positive and final. Yes," she went on, "I propose that Mr. Bassity be given a good talking to, and then have his name put on the probation list." "Poor Mr. Bassity!" said Sattie Felton. "I second the motion for reinstating him temporarily!" Grace Sinclair was not so quick in giving her decision.

"Miss Sattie Felton, what have you against the unhappy wretch who stands trembling at the bar of justice?" asked the self-appointed president of the court. "Last Sunday I was at the Country Club with papa," said Miss Felton. "The prisoner engaged in an altercation with my male parent on the subject of religion, said parent being a man of strong views and short temper.