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"Aztecs from a place called Tenochtitlan. Twenty thousand of them got sacrificed in a bunch for some reason or other. Poor devils. They think this is some kind of heaven. They tell me this is easy work compared to the type they had to undergo. The Satheri like to get big bunches through in one conjuration, like the haul they made from the victims of somebody named Tamerlane."

That's why we tried to kill you. If I could, I'd kill you now, with the snetha-knife so they couldn't revive you." Dave said reasonably, "You can't expect me to like it, you know. The Satheri, at least, saved my life " He stopped in confusion. Bork was staring at him in hilarious incredulousness that broke into roars of laughter. "You mean ... Dave Hanson, do you believe everything they tell you?

"Of all the powers of the Science, the greatest lies in the true name. We evoked you by the name of Dave Hanson. You are Dave Hanson, therefore." "Don't try to deceive us," Nema suggested. Her voice was troubled. "Pray rather that we never have reason to doubt you. Otherwise the wisest of the Satheri would spend their remaining time in planning something unthinkable for you."

I'm a registered and certified " She stopped then, blushing, and Bork chuckled. Ser Perth appeared at the doorway with two of the mandrakes. He motioned to Hanson. "The council of Satheri want you," he said. His eyes avoided the other, and he seemed uncomfortable. "Why?" Bork asked. "It's time for Dave Hanson's reward," Ser Perth said. The words were smooth enough, but the eyes turned away again.

He chanted something in a rapid undertone "All right, relax. That will teach them not to work resonance magic inside a protective ring; the egg knows how we could have got through otherwise. Lucky we were trying at the right time, though. The Satheri must be going crazy. Wait a minute, this tires the fingers."

Means the Sather Karf must believe we killed you he must have the report by now. If he thinks you're dead, there's no point in his giving chase; he knows I wouldn't let them kill Nema, even if she is a little fool. Anyhow, he's not really such a bad old guy, Dave not, like some of those Satheri.

The he clutched the sky-blob again. The thoughts in his mind were clearer this time. "Rumpelstilsken, let the sun rise from the west and set in the east!" Some of the Satheri were at the windows to watch what happened this time. Their shouts were more frightened than before.

The Satheri would hardly feel very grateful to a mandrake-man who had accomplished something beyond their power, now that the crisis was over. They had always been a high-handed bunch, apparently, and he had served his purpose. But he covered his thoughts in a neutral expression and went forward quietly toward the huge council room.

He went through it, to find a larger yard with more men idling. There should be someone here who knew more of what was going on in this world than he did now. His choice, in the long run, seemed to lie between Bork and the Satheri, unless he could find some way of hiding himself from both sides.

They wanted you, so they got you." Dave considered it. It seemed as likely as anything else. "Why me?" he asked. "Because you can put back the sky. At least, the Satheri think so, and I must admit that in some ways they are smarter than we." Dave started to protest, but Bork cut him off. "I know all about your big secret. You're not the engineer, whose true name was longer. We know all that.