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"Sarvent, marster," he said, taking his hat off. Then, as if apologetically for having permitted a stranger to witness what was merely a family affair, he added: "He know I don' mean nothin' by what I sez. He's Marse Chan's dawg, an' he's so ole he kyahn git long no pearter. He know I'se jes' prodjickin' wid 'im." "Who is Marse Chan?"

"I believe he calculated on clearing about twenty-five thousand dollars," answered Marcy, who was looking over the package of letters he had taken from his pocket. "I say!" exclaimed the girl, fairly dancing with delight. "If paw made that much he must get me the new dress I want, and that's a word with a bark onto it. That letter for me? Sarvent, sar. Good-bye."

This singular circumstance gave rise to a considerable amount of speculation among the members of the party; and they were still discussing the matter when a knocking was heard at the door, and, in obedience to Captain Staunton's stentorian "Come in," Dickinson entered. "Sarvent, ladies," exclaimed the new-comer with an elaborate sea-scrape.

I won't have no dull looks about to-day, girl. Isn't this enough to make a poor man merry? No more troubles, no more toil, no more 'humble sarvent, no more a ragged, plodding ploughman: but a lord, daughter Grace a great, rich, luxurious lord isn't this enough to make a man sing out hooray? Thank the crock of gold for this Oh, blessed crock!"

I won't have no dull looks about to-day, girl. Isn't this enough to make a poor man merry? No more troubles, no more toil, no more 'humble sarvent, no more a ragged, plodding ploughman: but a lord, daughter Grace a great, rich, luxurious lord isn't this enough to make a man sing out hooray? Thank the crock of gold for this Oh, blessed crock!"

"Who say Sarindy dead?" he demanded sternly, and added with a chuckle, "she warn' nuttin' but a fiel' han', young miss, en I 'uz Marse Bolling's body sarvent, so w'en dey sot me loose, dey des sol' Sarindy up de river. Lawd, Lawd, she warn' nuttin' but a fiel' han', but she 'uz pow'ful likely." He went chuckling up the path, and Betty, with a glance at the fading sunset, started briskly homeward.

"Sarvent, sirs!" "Captain, this is Ephraim Winship. He knows something about Indian fighting. Show him your head, Ephraim." Ephraim took off his hat, and lifted his wig from his head. He had but one eye. There were two bare red spots on top of his head, and between them a fringe of hair ran back from his forehead. It gave him a weird appearance. "Hello!" said Rogers.

He sure is a ghost or else he’s a nut or an old timer gone locoed. He sends the chills down my backbone every time i sots my eyes on him. Your obedients sarvent, BIG PETE. There was something about that crude letter that stirred me deeply. Could this strange freak that Big Pete saw from the top of the painted Butte possess that Patrick Mullen rifle?

In fact," said he, "I was just on the point of usin' profane language to the mockers and scoffers of the sarvent of the livin' God. I mean them parvarse lads and lasses aback o' the bed theor." "Amen!" interjected several saintly voices. "But, hallelujah!" resumed James, "aa felt God was ha'd'en me back!" "Glory!" shouted Adam Jefferson. "Yes, ma brethren and sistors.

"Why, here he is!" ejaculated Sam aside to me as he entered, saying to the other as he took off his cap with one hand and shoved out his other fist in greeting, "Sarvent, sir, Cap'en Billings; how d'ye find yourself since we last met in Plymouth Sound?"